AM I BEING DETAINED?! Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (29)

  1. Baa Baaaaaaa dumbasses didndonuffin

  2. Stupid entitled sheeple

  3. Cop disobeys a direct order from L.T. and continues pursue anyways. Just to make a 50$ speed ticket profit. This is where the term pirate comes from….and nazi….from COPS THAT ARE SHADY LIKE THESE CLOWNS. YOUR TIME HAS COME, DIRTY COPS. WE ARE AWAKE AND WON’T TAKE YOUR LIES ANYMORE. HE WASN’T TRYING TO “RAM U 2x’s”….what a joke

  4. Cops are liers. He was only trying to go away from the cop cause cop was harassing him, as usual


    • andrew gates
      No, the subject did drive towards the police car, and that is attempted assault with a deadly weapon.

    • Watershed44– don’t even try explaining anything to this “woke” individual, you can’t argue with mental retardation.

  6. There is NO WAY a cop can determine what a person is thinking ” attempting to ram his car”. I saw cop ram him WHILE he was in reverse.

  7. Mind reading cops LMAOROTG

  8. Everyone knows why cops dress in all black, now….hiding their police symbols….CAUSE THEY ARE SHADY!!!!!!! Remember cops are a PRIVATE COORPORATION SERVING THE PUBLIC. TO SERVICE AND PROTECT US. ENOUGH SAID!!!!!

  9. Sure this kid screwed up, several times, but ANY smart person can tell he is terrified u can hear it in his voice. This is the reason why most people flee in chases…THEY ARE SCARED OF POLICE BRUTALITY and getting set up for prison. Policy ISN’T LAW

    • andrew gates I’ve been pulled over numerous times. More times than not they’ve given me a warning because I was polite and cooperated. I had nothing to be afraid of because I’m a law abiding citizen for the most part. I speed, run red lights sometimes. These idiots deserve everything that comes to them

    • Dude says he’s a Domino’s pizza driver,but he’s driving around with no shirt on, evading the police and resisting arrest. Something is fishy

  10. Policy ISN’T LAW…..if no one is hurt or property isn’t damaged NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED

  11. I think Andrew Gates is having an episode, another break from reality.

    • Army Ranger Yea, I tried to reason with him… actually I just insulted him. Not like the tard doesn’t deserve it.

  12. The “no I’m not”/” nu-uh”/ “no”/” I’m not under arrest” defense is always the best defense when being arrested.

  13. “If you can’t ticulate..artic..articulate”


  14. Before using cuffs on the aircraft passenger, police should have used a gag.

  15. 1, you’re under arrest because you’re an obnoxious cow. 2, if uh you uh ah can’t uh articulate.. 3, off with their heads. It’s quick, it’s simple… where is Judge Dredd when we need him?

  16. I love when people start applauding at the end of the airliner clip. Lol me too guys, me too.

  17. landscraper240 July 28, 2018 @ 7:22 pm

    The origins of sovereign citizen dates back to the introduction of meth. Meth plus keeping it in the family has created sovereign citizens.

  18. 4:36 “i’m not going anywhere with you”… as she walks off with him in cuffs… hahahahahahahaha….. love it!!!… i could watch sovereigns get put in their place all day long… there should be a tv channel that has it running all day long…

  19. The people on the plane could not give a crap. Guy puts on headphones?

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