Readers Comments (25)

  1. “Some people don’t know the law.”

    Hi kettle, can I call you pot?

  2. His wife is blind in her left eye? So what! Lt. Colombo was blind in his left eye and it didn’t stop him from driving around catching bad guys.

  3. For the record, Black Law Dictionary isn’t the law of the land, never has been. Second the Supreme Court doesn’t make laws, so body cameras aren’t Federally required at this time. Then he quotes a definition from a dictionary from a hundred years ago as being true today, driver has been redefined and added to include a computer driver and a golf driver. You broke the public trust, as a traveler you are required to follow the rules of the road. He wasted his time nearly an hour, and in the end those very nice police officers gave you the smallest ticket possible. If you just gave you license right away you most likely would have just gotten a warning. She had the right to take you to jail, her job is to enforce the laws and codes. If you think you can win every time you go to court good luck with that one. But she doesn’t have to listen to a side of the road lawyer quoting a law dictionary and court cases that have nothing to do with them pulling you over. Their job is to keep our road safe, this a-hole is the reason why us law abiding drivers have to pay more in insurance and registration fees.

    • and the poor police aren’t the appropriate authority to argue law with.

    • I don’t know how they have patience for this people.

    • Iam ThePoliticalHack May 10, 2018 @ 1:03 pm

      These idiots think BLD is some kind of law book. Its a fucking dictionary of legal terms we bought when we started college on our jd track

    • robobobert mobarshmoban hello sovereign citizen. Id like to first off saying. Thanks to you idiot people. You have provided me hours of entertainment so again thank you on that.
      Now to buisness. If all you have is a single book and you reference more to a website.
      So any argument you give i will refer to wikipedia.
      Because im sure i could pull a few laws randomly from the site to recite back to people in random order.

  4. A constitutional scholar!

  5. Should have just shot them

  6. How stupid do you have to be to argue with authority by reading something you got off the internet? These people are unbelievable!

  7. Heather Mcpeek April 28, 2018 @ 4:32 am

    Tasertaser taser

  8. Josh Shellenberger May 2, 2018 @ 11:46 am

    I would have taken him more seriously if it wasn’t for the vape in his hand…

  9. Maxwell Edison May 2, 2018 @ 8:49 pm

    “Oh no!! He’s videoing us. Everyone run away! And if he doesn’t consent, then we’ll REALLY be in trouble.”

    These idiots are funnier than Benny Hill.

  10. Ronald Anderson May 4, 2018 @ 9:11 pm

    Idiot break his window already

  11. ????NEW RULE????You don’t know about it!????

  12. Yea these fools never seem to understand that blacks law dictionary is just a reference at best its used in legal cases , it holds no legal power on its own and there are actually 10 editions going back over 100 years, this guy is quoting 6th edition which is 1990 so its 28 years out of date. Newest version is 10th in 2014 and there are also 5 versions of the pocket version. its considered a “secondary authority”, basically its an assistant manager, it can give you information but the manager(primary authority) has final say

  13. The last SC is clearly more concerned about his “rights” than his girlfriend’s health. I did something foolish like this jerk once. I was going to Boston to the UK a lot, and on one trip I took the family. I acted cocky at the screening, and we were tagged. At every other screening location, we were pulled from the line; we were re-questioned, and bags were hand searched again and again. Let me assure you there was no joy shown by my wife to me for many, many days after. Not worth it people. Comply with instructions, and argue your case later. Otherwise it’s legal enema time.

  14. This cop let this go on waaaay too long. You ask them, then you tell them then you SHOW them. Done.

  15. Sovereign Citizens do not know the law, they are nothing more then a joke. We the people who know more about the law then they do can laugh at.

  16. hey tiny hands guy, you and all these other color of law sovereign door lawyers … how if they claim to not be citizens can they invoke the US constitution.

  17. Richard Rybarczyk May 22, 2018 @ 10:24 am

    Two complete idiots, if they want to travel without a license then buy a good pair of walking shoes. If I was either of those cops I would have tased both of them and then broken their windows.

  18. xIncaseOfEmergency May 29, 2018 @ 5:57 pm

    Is the first guy drunk or on meds? He’s having a hard time speaking coherently lol

  19. It’s all fun and games until your actions land you on the no fly list because you retoric gets you labeled a domestic terrorist… people thing they’re getting over on the police but they’re only screwing themselves.

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