AM I BEING DETAINED!? Sovereign Citizens vs Cops – October 2017 – Week 3

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (39)

  1. In Every one of these videos they ask for a SUPERVISOR and every time it’s the same story… they STILL go to jail??? So that really works right!!

    • HandCrafted StudioWorkstations March 6, 2018 @ 5:46 am

      EUROPEAN COLONIST DO NOT HAVE LAWS AND CANNOT MAKE LAWS on another mans land! This is why they have CODES AND ORDINANCES which is not LAW it is PRIVATE CORPORATE POLICY used CONNOTATIVELY under the guise of Law as LITERAL COLOR OF LAW! Forced unto the Aboriginal peoples of these American lands by means of THREAT DURESS AND COERCION!
      The POLICE are ANTI-LAW, which is CONSTITUTIONAL FOLD deriving from Moslem Law and POLICE EVEN commit High Treason further everyday, Calling themselves [ Officers ]!
      Yet do not seat any seat in Government Office nor were not elected by any people but ALL POLICE ARE ABSOLUTE [[ EMPLOYEES ]] of PRIVATE FAMILY OWNED CORPORATE
      MUNICIPALITIES FAKING AS GOVERNMENT, further breaching Constitutional Fold of Law by writing out Tickets and Citations which are ABSOLUTELY SUITS /AND ARE BILLS OF ATTAINDER; breaching/violating due process in lieu thereof. FURTHER MORE writing INSTRUMENTS/BILLS OF ATTAINDER with STATE OF XYZ at the top as a header, when they are MUNICIPALITY EMPLOYEES…AND ARE NOT STATE LEVEL JURISDICTION ANYTHING!

      Look here @Brian Crawford, the POLICE ARE NOT OFFICERS AND ARE ABSOLUTELY [ HIGHWAYMEN AND PRIVATEERS ] go look that up in a BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY and see what it says about that! FURTHER MORE Police derive from the KLU KLUX KLAN & KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS “PROVABLE” and are THE GANGS OF NEWYORK; and sworn enemies of the Republic and the Moroccan empire as their sole JOB is to keep these Asiatic Moors on the plantation, INCOMPETENT AND listed as CHRISTIAN PROPERTY IE NEGRO, BLACK, COLORED AND AFRICAN AMERICAN, HISPANIC, LATINO ETC So to keep us out of our National Capacity as True Americans and Blood heirs of this Estate and the Al Moroccan Empire to which the UNITED STATES/U.S CORPORATION COMPANY is using the Authority and wealth thereof – under the guise of AMERICA and going to and fro the earth GENOCIDING AND STEELING THE BIRTH RIGHTS OF ANY AND ALL Aboriginal peoples in the name of DEMO-cracy, under the POLICIES OF

      They are NOT Americans, YOU Brian Crawford are not American and are all ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and are not Nationals and not even at minimum “citizens” but you are all STATELESS CHRISTIAN COLONIST on our land pretending to be WHITE PEOPLE under the Naturalization Act 1865 and the klu klux klan oath philadelphia /chicago !~ Now sense you like to read law, Get yourself a BLACKS LAW 4TH 1968 AND LOOK UP [ FREE WHITE PERSONS ] just to start ….MATTER OF FACT

      Why don’t you call up the LiBRARY of Congress and order a direct copy of:
      [[[ The Articles of Association, George Washington’s Letters to the Sultan of Morocco (HERE) and Treaty of Tripoli ]]] and this conversation and any arguments you or any POLICE PERSON/PRIVATEER has is ended!
      Cause the Truth don’t change and the Truth does not pass away!

      Islam – I SELF LAW AM MASTER

    • Charman S, read the Treaties and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, if you ain’t an agent or troll. You actually want to see a man whose defending his Creator given rights to go to jail? Full of ?

    • Christian Blevins July 8, 2018 @ 10:11 pm

      ronald vinson number one ?????numb two what do you not get about we fought and won wars to stay on this land 3 you are now the trespasser 4 have fun staring at for grey walls in

    • Jeff Slaughter July 13, 2018 @ 1:38 am

      Yah like asking for more cop’s is a good idea ( i don’t feel safe can get the supervisor? )

  2. These officers are State Troopers, they have no Sheriff. County’s have a sheriff, some city’s may have a sheriff but most will have either a Chief or Captain. The problem with these so called “Sovereign Citizens” is they want to live by an 18th century Precursor to the US Constitution called The Articles of Confederation here in modern times. The Constitution replaced the AOC in 1788. In other words, they are attempting to live by a set of laws that were removed & replaced 240 years ago. They say that they are “Traveling”, well back then what was considered traveling was walking, on horseback, horse drawn carriage or by train. If you wanted to “travel” amongst the 13 states or colony’s you were free to do so and each state had to treat you as if you lived there but, all of that has been replaced. There were no motor vehicles or drivers license/personal identification other than your birth certificate. I applaud these officers for being so patient because I’da busted out his window inside two minutes after his non compliance. You people want to live this way…fine, move to Siberia because in America we have laws, rules & regulations that you must abide by.

    • Christian Blevins The treaties can’t be dismissed by foriegn corporations posing as governments, especially a u.s. service corporation which can be sued by Moors who are in propria persona. The treaties were written for you european colonizers BY MOORS. Read George Washington’s letter to the Sultan of Al Moroc. Not the kingdom in Africa, but the Empire which Is north, south and central American including the islands. The trick was to steal our Al Moroccan birthright through the deconstruction of history via public school miseducation of Moorish children for the past 200 years. Moors have lived all over the earth for 100000s of years if not more. Quit lying ,man. Ta- Mari Is just one name.

    • Pathetic People OBSERVER Your MAMA FAILED July 10, 2018 @ 9:39 pm

      JJTexan yes to everything you said!!

    • i agree with you, but how they always say the’re not part our constitution laws, but some how we are breaking the constitution laws against them, the same laws they don’t accept or acknowledge, but they want rights.

    • Armadillarodeo July 15, 2018 @ 3:41 am

      What’s your daddy’s name????

  3. Why is it that every time they say they are moorish citizens they look like CRACKHEADS?

  4. Giovanni Garcia June 4, 2018 @ 8:54 pm

    For the record, I am a free man and am not subject to all your laws and am also a foreign diplomat under the Gilgamesh Act of 1879. I also do not consent to comments and/or likes. And I am also allowed to do whatever I want in this country in part to Babba Booey Babba Booey(Howard Stern’s penis) Babba Booey… For the record.

  5. I am profoundly astonished that these folks actually believe this sovereign crap. It’s as though these folks live in some fantasy reality where everything is sunshine and unicorns.

    • Ummm no because in a fantasy where everything is sunshine & unicorns there are still laws & they would have to obey them. I think they are more in the Twilight Zone. Somehow some kind of portal or something opened up & those “people” (Sovereign Citizens) came through. Unfortunately we can’t find the portal to send them back. 🙁 Maybe one day we will find it. lol

  6. A quick Google search for sheriffs in the State of Connecticut yielded this result from Wikipedia: “Sheriffs existed in Connecticut prior to the adoption of its first constitution in 1818. … With the abolition of sheriffs, the special deputies and their direct judicial functions were absorbed into the judicial branch and became judicial marshals, and the deputy sheriffs became state marshals.” So there are in fact no sheriffs in the State of Connecticut. This sovereign is like all other sovereigns – an idiot. I won’t be shedding any tears for this fool. Also, a 1977 Supreme Court ruing – Pennsylvania v. Mimms affirmed police have the authority to order people out of their vehicles and be patted down. Jamal here isn’t cooperating and is in violation of several laws and statutes. Act like a criminal and be treated like a criminal.

    • Wildgraywolf1 They are not officers, officers are elected. These are private company mercenaries . And bully people to get finance. To impersonate an officer is a felony! Can a bank robber arrest someone for speeding when THEY always getting out of getaway cars?

    • Kelly Kiewert July 7, 2018 @ 3:07 am

      They do not bully to get money. They enforce the rules WE THE PEOPLE have put in to place. It is part of living in a civilized country. I have no clue what your last sentence is supposed to mean. Just gonna skip right past it like you guys do with the laws that you dont like

    • Wildgraywolf1 July 7, 2018 @ 5:39 am

      ronald vinson: You’re a delusional anarchist.

  7. They were too patient with him.

  8. Miguel Domínguez July 4, 2018 @ 3:53 am

    Broken window. Every. Single. Time. Yet they never learn. Great for entertaining purposes, but what a drain of public resources.

  9. ned mcpherson July 4, 2018 @ 5:17 am

    Screw Ike Turner look alike!

  10. ned mcpherson July 4, 2018 @ 5:26 am

    He is DISGRACING the Marine Corps!

  11. HilarityBribo July 4, 2018 @ 8:10 am

    i love when the window breaks and things get real for the person.

  12. Connecticut State Troopers are not usually this patient with assholes… He’s very lucky…

  13. “I’m complying. I’m not being difficult.” Something on him would hurt real bad when I finished extracting him from the car.

  14. Frank Manning July 5, 2018 @ 9:38 pm

    Another happy ending!

  15. Steven Foster July 6, 2018 @ 1:28 am

    These clowns incur thousands of dollars in fines, court costs, towing bills, vehicle repairs, days off work going to court, bail bondsmen, etc. and they can’t imagine why the rest of us aren’t following along with them.

    • Kelly Kiewert July 7, 2018 @ 3:09 am

      I know, its amazing! And they call themselves “free” people! They spend more time going in and out of jail then most of the cast of Americas Dumbest Criminals. What a way to live.

    • Jeff Slaughter July 13, 2018 @ 1:43 am

      Guess they don’t watch. U tube

  16. What a damn man-child.

  17. Lisa B in Hawaii July 8, 2018 @ 5:05 am

    18:26 makes me wish I had stock in Safelite *sigh* ????

  18. An average human has 100 Billion brain cells. THIS moron, has 2. Hmmm I wonder why he was kicked out of the Marines? lol

  19. His name is actually spelled Alpha Sierra Sierra Hotel Oscar Lima Echo.

  20. These guys should not only get tased and arrested but be charged with all the police time wasted with their pointless arguing

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