Lying Cops Get Owned as They Try to Intimidate Rights Flexing Attorney

Your rights are being squashed by lying cops

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Readers Comments (38)

  1. Under Stalin, Mao, or Kim he would have been shot.

  2. Marxist Peasant March 11, 2017 @ 11:12 pm


  3. why is it u.s police must have the tone and attitude of threatening gangsters or heated thugs? is that a requirement for the job?

  4. People should try not to panic when threatened with going to jail.

  5. God America such a hole, you wont see this happening in Norway or any other European country, probably very rarely in Russia as well which is funny considering the police in Russia can be quite corrupt outside major cities.

  6. Watch how their attitude changes when he says the magic “L” word


    • I seen a similar video like this with a Mexican person I believe. He was stopped he had his camera out and recorded the police pull guns on him even though he was unarmed and the cops were so hostile it felt like the whole scene was escalated. Just like when 5 different cops are on 1 guy. They all are screaming pulling him in different directions telling him to get down when he can’t. Fucking disgraceful “Peace keepers”

    • Miguel Alencar March 12, 2017 @ 6:04 am

      Same brother.

    • +Mario Aguilar Just cringey garbage like Black lives matter, enough with the IDpol and oppression Olympics. Racial division is what your capitalist master class wants.

  8. That cop is a liar. He said “I never said it had anything to do with you” regarding stuff under the seat.
    But first he had already said “you’re being a jerk” and then said, “better hope we don’t find something in the car, ok”.

    And, only in America is it common for police to say, “you’re going to jail”

  9. that one cop standing there is one man working HARD to earn his paycheck. all that heavy lifting….

  10. If police will do nothing wrong why afraid of video? should welcome it!

  11. luckily he was white. Thing would have been quite different if the man was a black

  12. This isn’t an isolated incident. While in russia and other countries have dash cams to record crashes you would think you would see more videos of Russia or China police also hassling people. Yet the united states has this happen constantly and a channel is dedicated to posting videos like this a lot.

  13. Jason lied, the cops didn’t lie about anything and the Uber driver was not treated unfairly

  14. its white flexing

  15. Chrysippus of Soli March 13, 2017 @ 5:34 pm


  16. If he wasn’t an attorney something would have been planted and he would have been arrested.

  17. “I’m an attorney”

    Cop: “and an uber driver”. ?

  18. jasonudliketoknow October 15, 2017 @ 3:59 am

    so what happened. the cops get told off where?

  19. jasonudliketoknow October 15, 2017 @ 4:00 am

    you look nervous and squirrel-ly when the vid cuts….

  20. Marylee Macpherson December 29, 2017 @ 5:19 am

    A clean cut white male ..gets treated badly by a cop, though once he said..states profession .. they become polite .. bogus

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