Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – December 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (43)

  1. Pictures are the gathering and storage of reflected light. If I am standing on the public right of way and am gathering that reflected light then you got NOTHING to say about it.

  2. Moorish American…….What a freaking joke….

  3. “Unidentified on a public highway is a violation of the Constitution”. This nut job is speaking gibberish. Must be the the Morrocan Constitution he’s quoting. Suggest he go read the note and deed of trust he signed.

  4. right, right, right (999x)

  5. What about the Moops?

    • I read a book about antigravity i cant put it down July 13, 2018 @ 3:45 am

      ohh NOOOOOO…… that’s not Moops you idiot! Its MOORS!!!!!

  6. I wonder how the white nationalists who started the sovereign citizen thing feel about this guy’s spin on it.

  7. Does he speak the language native to Morocco?
    For the record, other record, let the record show… Right, right.

  8. Listening to him makes me grind my teeth.

  9. Is he playing that game where you say two random words to make it sound official? Because “Treaty Rights” sure sounds like he’s playing that game. “Unsecured on the Highway” is another good one.

    • For the record, on the record, by the record, right right right, constitution, rights, moroco, Article 4, sec 4, violtion, right right, foreign European, corporation, right right right.

    • Lee Kearney-Brown August 7, 2018 @ 7:54 am

      As per the constitution you should have a delegation of authority to be in operation…

  10. Been in this situation before, took the pictures, ignored this nonsense and went on my way. If you don’t engage them there isn’t much they can do.

  11. I’m Moorish !!! Good you have no Rights being from the Mor-on tribe

  12. He was absolutely WRONG about everything he said. But, the amount of word salad he vomited was meant to intimidate them. Unfortunately, because most people don’t deal with crazy every day, it worked.

    • Marvel Girl you couldn’t be more right about that! He WOULD, in fact, intimidate most people. Because the picture taker was either on a county, or federally maintained road, he was more than legal, to be able to take alll the pics he wants. ?

  13. He WAS EVICTED. And, he’s been to jail… For the record, on the record, and let the record show!

    • cesiba1 From the house he had stolen. Lol

    • YukoValis Sword July 12, 2018 @ 12:44 am

      Objection. For the record I am ghost person who demands all the rights of this country while demanding to not obey any of the laws. I have a 100% success rate in court. (for the prosecution) : )

    • Marvel Girl right, right, right.

    • Garry McMhastegut July 23, 2018 @ 9:02 pm

      His country couldn’t defend against those invaders, sucks for him. Guess he’d better strengthen his nation before he surrounds himself in enemies.

    • YukoValis Sword July 23, 2018 @ 11:17 pm

      I’m sure he found plenty of allies in prison with the other people who committed crimes.

  14. Wait he’s a moorish citizen then he says don’t break his constitution rights.
    What a freaking idiot. If he’s moorish citizen then he doesn’t have any constitutional rights

  15. I wish he would make up his mind. He keeps saying he’s a moorish citizen then he says he has constitutional rights. He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. Moron not moorish

  16. Let me guess he’s living in a house that he doesn’t own or he’s squatting.

  17. putzthewondersloth June 20, 2018 @ 2:58 am

    ‘Taking pictures of my property is unconstitutional,’ says the man filming private citizens and posting it to the internet.

  18. FREELOADER….Right Right

  19. Isnt that Farver from Super Troopers? Give him a litre of cola. 😉

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