Readers Comments (36)

  1. DavidLovesLiberty December 18, 2016 @ 11:09 pm

    Much safer than confronting an actual criminal. You can’t hold it against the cop. He is just taking the path of least resistance. Which is what all employed people would do if they were cops and didn’t have to do quality work and live up to professional standards.

  2. u are real everything u said is 100% accurate respect

  3. Kees Van Der Tuin January 2, 2017 @ 8:59 pm

    that ‘s why PIGS get shot…..

  4. End the police unions that protect them. If they get too many complaints they need to be terminated and replaced with someone that respects the job.

    • Agreed but it has to be legitimate complaints, not someone upset that they received a ticket after behaving like a child.

  5. where did the cop get owned..must be on part 2

  6. COWARDS with badges!!!

  7. That cop needs a bullet put thru his skull

  8. YOUR attitude and foul mouth got YOU owned. Next!

  9. For a cop to say, “I wasn’t going to give you a ticket”, but now I am, is immature and totally unprofessional, and that is what it is.

  10. He’s obviously white because if he were Black he wouldn’t been in the back seat of the patrol car by now.

  11. Way to tell him a piece of your mind

  12. you got pwned… you were sitting there sounding like a rebellious child sitting in the corner and the cop was laughing at you…

  13. Earning the hate.

  14. You got owned.

  15. Why did you have to leave in the first place?

  16. you got a ticket.. Still waiting for the cop to get owned.

  17. I wasnt gonna ticket you but now I am, how fcked is this D-BAG

  18. Marco Martinez April 25, 2017 @ 4:16 pm


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