Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – Sovereign Citizens COMPILATION – Sovereign Citizen Compilations

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What! Sovereign Man walks out of court, scares off the judge!!

My first time trying to claim sovereignty

Song: Knock Knock – Twice

Sovereign Citizen Getting Owned – Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – Sovereign Citizens COMPILATION – Sovereign Citizen
AM I BEING DETAINED?! Cop Baiters Get OWNED Compilation
Sovereign woman gets tazed at check point, Sovereign Citizen FAILS, Moorish sovereignty
Moors, Moorish
Sovereign Citizens Compilations,
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Readers Comments (67)

  1. I guess the old saying is true; you cant fix stupid!

  2. My favorite part is when they use law to say they don’t have to listen to laws, ohh it makes me lol!

    • B RADD
      They all take their welfare and any other GOVT.$, yet they do NOT recognize that same govt.that sends them $-LmFaO

  3. supernatual fan August 11, 2017 @ 9:29 pm

    why dont the judges just read what they done and just charge them

  4. Give  the  Blonde  headed azzhole to  me for 15 minits, he will not need a trial or anything else after that   !!!!!

  5. Richard Rybarczyk August 14, 2017 @ 12:27 pm

    Just throw these idiots in jail until they identify themselves. This kind of crap has got to stop, our courts are tied up with these stupid cases brought by stupid people who are just trying to deny their responsibilities under the law.

    • Paranormal Encyclopedia October 16, 2017 @ 4:11 pm

      Richard Rybarczyk charge then with identity theft they say they aren’t the person so clearly they are admitting guilt

    • Turn them in to their nation’s security police. Without the right of citizenship.

    • It is a crime called “failure to identify” where they pretty much hold you until you either verifiable Id or they figure it out themselves

  6. “A trial would be an injury against my person”
    Would you prefer being jailed… without a trial?

  7. Every time a sovereign speaks, I hear the musical theme from Looney Tunes.

  8. he is in for a rude awakening when he has a warrant for his arrest for not showing up for court after the recess what a idiot

    • the judge called a recess which means he is coming back

    • Abraham Giradin June 16, 2018 @ 7:21 am

      TADionysus : yeah I used to try to go home during recess in elementary school by citing maritime law but it didn’t work there either.

    • But the judge abandoned his ship! How was the defendant supposed to know the judge was just temporarily in a rowboat?

    • this is not a maritime court and the judge took a recess meaning he is coming back and if you have a hearing and you leave there will be a warrant for your arrest for not showing up

    • Here in the U.S. the sovereign idiots claim that if the US flag has a gold fringe around it then it’s an admiralty/maritime court. Not sure if they do that in Canada or not. As if a little decoration on the flag actually signifies anything, and as if maritime law is in effect on land. I still think it’s funny when they say the judge abandoned ship, though. Even funnier when they think that if the judge leaves the courtroom then they get to dismiss their own case.

  9. How can sane people believe this Sovereign citizen BS.

  10. “But it all sounded so good when they explained Sovereign Citizen to me”. Overheard inmate conversation at Broward County Jail…..

    • What I do not understand from these people is the concept that judges are subject to the whims of your own feelings and decisions. Then this guy who says a court is being abandoned by a judge who leaves for his own protection after failing to convince a defendant to obey court procedures is worse than stupid. Then of course you would have to worry about those on the roadways who don’t want to pay public safety taxes. I think these people are nonsense.

  11. Sovereign citizens are not smart

    • Just the fact the you need to explain this to some people is pretty sad…..

    • shyboy 1992 the most humorous thing is that they dont understand their argument is bullshit but if they brought up maritime Admiralty law but they’re fucking idots and dont period thats what that yellow boarder around those flags mean they arent American
      Its a justice system for the queen of England look it up

    • Integrity Gamer June 30, 2018 @ 3:49 pm

      shyboy 1992 Understatement of the DECADE!

    • Viking Simon don’t even bring up British law. You let rapists get off with a slap on the wrist. Your laws are absolutely horrendous, and are worse than ours.

    • Viking Simon with out a legal system it would be survival of the fittest. you Viking are not strong phyicaly or mentally. you think everything would be all nice and good. there is always going to be someone that wants what the other has.

  12. First guy: “My law degree was printed on only the finest of waffle house napkins! Good day!”

  13. How many times is that judge gonna reiterate herself!?? She must have repeated herself 4 times!

    • If you’re not familiar with the term “sovereign citizen” and its context, then the guy’s rambling sounds like complete gibberish. I would assume he failed to understand what I said, too.

  14. uh oh, he’s activating the fee schedule, they’ve been warned

  15. isn’t it just a clue that this sovereignty is bs, when none of them use the same term to describe who they are? and that we don’t use the articles of confederation.

  16. Penguin Community November 11, 2017 @ 2:32 am

    If a judge ?‍⚖️ doesn’t know what you’re talking about, you are probably out of touch with reality. If an attorney in the room also doesn’t know what you’re talking about, you are almost definitely out of touch with reality.

  17. jamesbulldogmiller November 11, 2017 @ 1:08 pm

    I don’t have any thing to prove that I am not the Grand Potentate Emperor of the World,
    So, I must be the Grand Potentate Emperor of the World.

  18. What ABSOLUTE doucebags!!! They think they sound so cool, but they sound like TOTAL MORONS!!!

  19. All their brains have drained into their pony tails.

  20. Just because you say it doesn’t make it so

    • Edward mac I know love how people think their so important if they “declare” it wrong and that’s it

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