AM I BEING DETAINED! Cop Baiters Get OWNED Compilation Part 3 2017

Readers Comments (87)

  1. biggles the gamer March 30, 2018 @ 4:37 pm

    People break the law, then decide to be all high and mighty with officers, giving cheeky responses and are surprised when they are reprimanded. Genuine buffoons

  2. Flight Recorder March 30, 2018 @ 4:44 pm

    The cop from clip #3 is awesome! I love that guy. Got all up in his business

    • Probably sick of all the smartarses who research online for 5 mins about cop laws and think they know everything.

    • So you don’t think Licenses are Necessary?

    • Fully agree with COREYdiculous

    • @Flight Recorder …dude .. be glad you have rights.. afrika doesnt.. china doesnt russia barely.. and austrlia banned arms.. .europe is failing… and you are bitching about the few rights and freedoms you have.. ( for a few years at least.) .. dear god i thought the usa was an option to travel to.. but hell no…

    • Oh hell yeah. He gave me flashbacks from basic training 🙂

  3. It’s increadible how this sovereign douchebags choose what laws they want forced and wich ones they choose to ignore!!

    • We could end that hole sovereign citizen idiocy by actually letting them see what it would be like to get their way. Lawful protections would cease to apply for them so unlimited prison sentencing, seizure of property, physical harm, etc aren’t forbidden, and lets not forget the absolute best one deportation! Just send them to an unclaimed island somewhere and they can play real survivor.

    • They believe that the only law they have to fallow are the articles of confederation. You know, that system of laws that was replaced by the constitution over 200 years ago.

  4. “This is my private property”…..”yeah, that’s nice, will you open the passenger door please”?

  5. That 2nd guy… Idk why they didn’t actually detain him, he was clearly escalating the situation. Sometime the cops are too passive imho

    • It was a public park, he didn’t break any laws so they had no reason to arrest him.

    • Except if the woman would have kept getting agitated. They could have arrested him for interfering since he was told by her that she didn’t want to be recorded and him doing it escalated the situation.

    • He’s not interfering. If somebody has a problem with a person standing 40 feet away on PUBLIC land, it’s her problem, not his. He’s done nothing wrong.

    • Because they are Portland police and home of many many libtards. I assure you down South he would only act that way 1 time.

  6. NOLA GospelTracts April 26, 2018 @ 8:16 pm

    “I’d like to remain silent” keeps talking.

    • JD S The 5 amendment applies to ALL contact w law officials in any capacity. You might want to educate yourself cuz you don’t know what your talking about

    • JD S The minute you are stopped by police it is legally a detainment. And when that gets filed in their database it is filed under arrest. You technically are under arrest during a stop. They won’t tell you this, because if people understood this, more people wd be outraged and demand to have a good reason for detaining them. Most people are just stupid fucking sheep and cops have an easy day pushing ppl around, that’s why they get bent out of shape when someone knows their rights, and cops will then make up total lies to justify escalating the situation until their satisfied

    • At one point that idiot said he would like to exercise his 3rd amendment right (which prevents soldiers from being quartered in a person’s home without their consent) and the cop caught it, and sarcastically asked “what was that?” Lol

    • IT’S MIRANDA RIGHTS, NOT 3RD AMMENDMENT. Jesus christ, this guy probably thinks all cops are pigs. tbh without cops, we’d all be fucked.

  7. I love how people refuse to give their license and insurance, but then tell the officer that by law they have to tell them their name and badge number.

    • ReMaxony that makes complete sense to me, in Australia you are required to produce a license if pulled over by police. Is there any nugget of truth or loophole in US or state laws that would validate what these crazy people are saying?

    • The crime here is drunk driving. They were suspected, so yes he had to hand his license, insurance and registration.

    • Passengers are not required unless they are being stopped for reasonable suspicion of breaking a law. Since he was not driving he had no duty to turn his license over (if he had one)

    • If you are walking they cannot stop you and ask for ID unless reasonable suspicion. If you are driving then that is a privilege and you need a license to drive. The rules for having the license say that you have to provide license and registration when asked for it.

    • None at all. They are getting it confused with not driving. If they are not driving and instead walking then what they are saying is correct but while driving they are required to provide license and registration whenever asked for it. Driving is a privilege and they are getting it confused with walking around

  8. mindsetoverhaul May 2, 2018 @ 8:18 am

    The second bloke was irritating as hell but That pair of idiots at about 13 mins onward… Geez.
    *edit: And you just got your friend arrested. Congratulations on your new criminal records, losers

    • Renegade Vile July 3, 2018 @ 6:56 am

      Yeah, you can tell his friend’s expression just drops once they bring up breaking the window. He’s conflicted between trusting his friend or making sure he’s not paying to have his car fixed…

    • mindsetoverhaul July 22, 2018 @ 1:20 am

      Tab Valentino
      Yeah. Although i’m not necessarily in favor of the cops as much as it is that i’m NOT in favor of idiots

  9. that second guy was a jerk, part of the problem, not the solution.

  10. Hahahaha you can tell at 9:15 the officer/deputy clearly was a marine in his past life. ?

    • Yep, I applied for Sheriff position once. This was back before liberals came out with their anti cop crap. There were 2 positions and they had about 150 people show up each weekday. From talking to a lot of them they were in the military with a exit date or ex military. I would guess 75% had some military.

    • You’re an idiot. The guy was given multiple chances and he declined. At that point he could have just smashed the window but he just got in his face to try and make him see reality. Go whine somewhere else.

    • Sobriety checkpoints have been challenged many times in courts and they have been deemed legal.

    • Jimmy Dank and the guy he was stopping didn’t even get the 5th amendment right. It’s not the right to remain silent. It’s the right to not say anything until an attorney is present. Unless in time of war or crisis.

  11. MissMargaret May 8, 2018 @ 3:56 am

    I don’t know why I find window breaks so satisfying.

    • Yeah, I like the ones where the pieces go flying everywhere. The cop who did it was being a pansy. He barely tapped it to just get it to crack. Smash that window.

    • You shouldn’t find anything like that satisfying. Why do you find destroying peoples property satisfying? WTF is the matter with you? Are you a sociopath?

    • You’re talking about destroying peoples property without their permission. And youre saying it’s fun. You’re a psycopath, dude.

    • Decimus Azrael lll you seem pretty violent. I have absolutely no respect for anyone who enjoys watching other people’s property get maliciously destroyed, such as yourself.

  12. Regarding number two…….anyone who says….. “MmmmKaaayy” should be curb stomped.

  13. The female officer in the second video did a lovely job of deescalating the situation at hand. Applause to her.

  14. 9:07 “driving is a privilege not a right”

    • zoethequeen if I ask someone to provide identification during a traffic stop (which is a detainment for the duration of my investigation), and they refuse, then they will be arrested and taken before a magistrate at the soonest point. Same thing happens when you refuse to sign your traffic citation. These are all things you agree to when you sign up for your drivers license.

    • Berryman Coaching And Analysis July 25, 2018 @ 1:13 am

      @zoethequeen So what you’re saying is that a cop can ask you for your ID and insurance, and when you refuse to show him, he can then require your ID and insurance because he suspects you may be refusing due to not having either.

    • The Recovery Chronicles July 29, 2018 @ 11:01 pm

      I couldn’t figure out what the guy of the second Clips problem was until I realize that he lives in Portland Oregon. Well there’s your problem. Anyone who Anyone who still lives in that liberal decimated city is obviously mentally ill.

    • Deandalapanda do you have down syndrome? Yes they do. If you are pulled over for a violation of a law they HAVE to ask for your ID minimum….ffs I wish I was an idiot so i wouldnt care so much!!!

    • Brandon Teklow August 8, 2018 @ 5:16 am

      “driving” is a term used for commercial vehicle use. Look it up in a law book.

  15. That third guy cracked so fast ?

  16. Oculus_Official June 5, 2018 @ 5:14 pm

    I hope the second guy drops dead. Honestly the most ignorant human being iv ever witnessed.

  17. 3rd guy: Learn to be more cooperative. They’re asking for nothing more then his driver’s license because it’s their job to check for all the cars passing through. Did he really feel the need to exercise rights then? It’s stupid how people want to be right over going through a smoother solution.

    • Funny thing is the guy mentions his 5A rights but in the 5A there is a public danger provision, which wouldn’t apply but I’m sure this idiot wouldn’t have an answer if the police had wanted to piss him off even more.

    • Jiminniepabo I don’t think you understand. These kids ride around intentionally looking for checkpoints so they can film themselves doing this. It’s cop baiting. But they just make themselves look like fucking idiots. Giant waste of time.

    • That was really a good example of good cop, bad cop

    • At one point that idiot said he would like to exercise his 3rd amendment right (which prevents soldiers from being quartered in a person’s home without their consent) and the cop caught it, and sarcastically asked “what was that?” Lol

  18. that first officer gave me robocop vibes

  19. A Skeptical Charmander July 19, 2018 @ 1:35 pm

    You know what I do when I go through a license checkpoint?

    Show them my license. And like magic, I’m done in about 4 seconds.

    • Daniel This is a joke, right?

    • You’re shitting me right? I bet that guy sitting in jail for his comments doesn’t think freedom sounds so good in Europe. And the worst part it that it wasn’t an isolated incident. Oh you whiney european trash that are so quick to point out things when they have already given all their freedoms away.

    • SuburbanHobbyist August 10, 2018 @ 2:38 pm

      Daniel, I hope I’m misunderstanding your comment because if you are trying to say we are less free and more oppressed in America than Europe then you are an idiot. The entirety of Europe is one massive nanny state. You can’t even cross the street there without a permit and 5 checkpoints.

    • Darwin award productions August 11, 2018 @ 4:51 am

      Papa Nichols – 1000 up votes for you Sir!
      Anyone who worships a pediphile can’t be trusted.
      Sweden used to be the country with the lowest rape, now it’s #1 in Europe.
      Everyone knows why but still continues to let the 3rd world into their once beautiful nation(s).

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