Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation

A compilation of sovereign citizens/freemen-on-the-land causing trouble and getting told/owned/rekt.

— Links to full videos —
00:00 – 01:28
01:29 – 04:21
04:22 – 06:24
06:25 – 06:56
06:57 – 09:11
09:12 – 10:55
10:56 – 12:43
12:44 – 15:17
15:18 – 17:45
17:46 – 19:59

Readers Comments (71)

  1. 10:25 is one of the greatest moments in YouTube history.

  2. CaptainPajamaPants April 2, 2016 @ 5:21 am

    “God’s not worried about cameras, I am.”

    The most badass line spoken ever.

  3. This is what happens when you spoil your kids…
    Remember to tell your children that the law applies to everybody, including them.

  4. Omar Morales Luna March 9, 2018 @ 9:30 pm

    “Sir, you are under arrest for robbing a bank”.
    “I did not break any laws, I exercised my second amendment right, and the bank just handed me money into this sack I have for some reason as they were telling me not to hurt them, which I didn’t…….you are violating my constitutional right to have money given to me”.

    I guess it makes more sense if you’re a complete idiot.

  5. Richard Beaver March 16, 2018 @ 7:46 pm

    10:50 What a smug and miserable woman. She has nothing better to do with her time except park there and agitate police officers. If two officers passed by her that day she must have been sitting there for hours.

    • Fathead Channel July 15, 2018 @ 8:31 pm

      Richard Beaver the thing about her is that she must think that he can hide a gun in the sunglasses he’s wearing

    • she was just being as combative as possible to try and get him to flip out on her, that’s why she was already filming. I’m sure that she was annoyed that he sarcastically told her to leave and then ignored her comments

    • I assume this girl will have a pretty rough adulthood, if she ever objectively achieves that status. Be respectful and move the heck on. Dang….

  6. TELEFREAK10121122 March 21, 2018 @ 6:43 am

    Can someone make a compilation of sovereign citizen screams?

  7. Bloody hell! What’s wrong with these people?

  8. Why are people so mean to the cops? They’re trying to make sure things stay safe.

    • Laura Elzey I’m not trying to contradict myself, but I have to agree with you. Some of these people were behaving like idiots in this video.

    • Lion King I appreciate your understanding of my original comment. There is a huge difference between a violent bully with a badge and a man child who doesn’t like rules. I’m pretty sure we all went to school with a kid like that that would make everything Difficult for the teacher. But it’s not OK to be violent with somebody who is clearly complying and nonaggressive in action.

    • Laura Elzey Well said. God bless you.

    • You have your good apples and bad apples. Not all cops are bad, everyone needs to stop pointing fingers.

    • Aaron Gotte That is true, these cops don’t seem to be shady at all. Just doing their job.

  9. I'm right you're wrong March 25, 2018 @ 4:05 am

    they got these loonies in Australia too?

    • Diego Matthews July 26, 2018 @ 1:13 am

      I think they’ll all get over it soon enough once it sinks in that their crap doesn’t work and only gets them in trouble, it’s only a phase.

    • Bantoni Plakantry July 29, 2018 @ 2:12 pm

      I’ve seen it on Aussie cop shows. They soon come undone when they realise in court that what some drunk told them in the pub about sovereign citizenship and needing a contract to enforce the law is total bullshit. The guy that ran away from the RBT sounds like an idiot that believes the fallacy that the constitution doesn’t allow RBT. Sorry, but the constitution doesn’t say much too much about driving cars, considering it was written in 1901.

    • Stupidity is a world-wide human problem my friend…

      Quoting Einstain: “There are 2 things i think are infinite, human stupidity and the universe… But im uncertain of the later”.

    • *Stupid* Australians often end a sentence with “so yeah”, or “so”. It means absolutely nothing – they’ve made their point but they want to go on talking. So yeah.
      The police in Australia are usually highly unpleasant and best avoided.

  10. Are you a US citizen?
    Ok good day sir

    Could be as simple as this

    • Der Tyros but how do I get to show off as a Social Justice Warrior??

    • I didn’t get that one, I’m sure he had drugs in the truck, but why not just answer the question? play it cool and your odds are better than acting like a fucking lawyer.

    • Big Ol Internet Troll July 29, 2018 @ 5:43 pm

      Stephen Grigg I think he was not a citizen. The cops can’t search your vehicle at a checkpoint but you still need to give them license and stuff so I think he was an illegal.

    • Too complex.

      Overscalating the situation, hurrling insults, getting physical, screaming, and resisting arrest while screaming police brutality seems much more effective. Thanks for the tip anyways.

    • I don’t think so. he was pretty white and it seemed like they were on the Mexican border. he even said “it’s not even my truck.” he was probably mueling or had drugs in a work-type truck

  11. “Call the police!” “Sir… we are the police…” ?

    • Chaos what is even worse is the fact they do not want to comply with the police or obey them or law, but sure quick to cry for those same police to come help them…LOL

  12. Raven Evergreen April 9, 2018 @ 2:10 pm

    “Can you prove that I am driving” LOL
    “I have reason to believe that crime is afoot” Good line officer
    “You attacked my nuts”
    “Call the police!” “Sir we are the police.”
    What the he’ll is wrong with these people?

    • Whats wrong with these people? Stupidity. A world-wide human problem my friend…

      Quoting Einstain: “There are 2 things i think are infinite, human stupidity and the universe… But im uncertain of the later”.

  13. So was Robert being tased or his person?

  14. “Speeding is not a crime” “it’s not illegal to drive without a license.” What planet are these people from??

    • Janeil Nold actually speeding is not a crime if it’s under a certain threshold which most of these stops are, it’s just a violation. It’s somewhere 100mph for it to be a felony. But violation gives the cop legal authority to stop you and these sovereign idiots always argue with “i have the right not to identify because i am not legally detained. You have no articulable suspicion of me commiting a crime” That’s their entire argument. That is actually true, but not when you are operating a vehicle. Driving is a privilege and not a constitutional right, you are required to show identification registration etc stuff during a traffic stop, it’s part of the rules you agreed when you get license. They require it to protect drivers from incriminating themselves by exercising their right not to identify because that refusal to identify gives the officer a reasonable suspicion of driving without license and registration which is a crime, so the 2nd time a cop ask for it and they still refuse, that’s when they have committed an actual crime which is why officers arrest them at that point, but we can see reasonable officers giving them lots of opportunity these idiots just can’t help being stupid. The stop may even be just be a warning and they could have gone no problems but this sovereign law degrees they earned from the internet got them into trouble coz they want something to boost their ego.

    • JennaBelle Hughes August 7, 2018 @ 7:45 pm

      It isn’t illegal to drive without a license on hand but you have to be legally licensed and yes speeding is illegal. However he had the right to stay in his car and the officer went too far with breaking his windows

    • Janeil Nold Idiotia Prime

  15. C R I M E I S A F O O T

  16. No laws apply to you? no rights for you!

  17. So if i don’t consent i can’t get arrested? SWEET

  18. Md. Faisal Mahmud April 26, 2018 @ 8:35 pm

    “Can you prove that I’m driving?”

    Never seen this level of retardness.

    • LerpaDerp Derp August 4, 2018 @ 7:27 pm

      In a nutshell they believe the distinction between driving and travelling does not exist, and by wording it as such, that an officer can not impede them from ‘travelling’ in a vehicle. They confuse the right of free travel with the privilege of driving, you have the right to travel unimpeded (barring trespassing on private/government property labelled as such), but like everybody else you need a license to operate a motor vehicle and following a stop if an officer requests an ID or license they can refuse because they ‘do not consent’ to an ‘unlawful stop’.

      Among the other common phrases they use, it’s BS tactics to dodge being responsible or accountable for laws/infractions they have/will have committed. Sadly these stem in response to unlawful police infractions (which do happen), but in fact are quoted from old laws (or modern interpretations of old laws, which do not apply anymore) and are majorly ineffective and dead wrong– it’s the legality that they hope will stick if just presented in a certain way.

      What confuses me is that these people throw these attempts just from an ID check, and most of the time it gets escalated to a point that would not have been so severe if they simply said they don’t have an ID or license.

    • This is my auto horse carriage I have 250 invisible horses in front so I’m traveling not driving can’t you see them officer. These people are so stupid they make Forrest Gump look like Einstein.

    • Nah he’s fast traveling

    • I believe the noun is “retardation”.

  19. I laughed so hard at the first one.

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