Police in west london abusing their power

Pc Denton said they were in a meeting where they saw a picture of their suspect but he still wanted to harass me he even claimed i was smoking weed and that he could smell it on me after a search without my consent he got my passport. He realised i wasent his suspect and let me go he did not wanna give me a stop and search form but i wasent leaving without one. Also PC dentobn took my phone out of my hands and passed it to PC 122 who than turned my phone off

Readers Comments (62)

  1. Names and collar numbers? What station? I’ll file a complaint if you want?

    • Andy Sustainable living July 9, 2018 @ 7:24 am

      You hear the police officer clearly explain their ‘Reasonable suspicion’ in that they believe that he is the person they are looking for. The idiot even told the police to arrest him lol. So he got his wish.
      Then he learns that once the police arrest you, then they CAN and must search you. Its for their safety and the safety of the person in custody safety, who they are now legally responsible for.

      So now you clearly see that you are totally WRONG this was a legal arrest. And I might add very good policing.

    • They said it on the video dumbass. Are you as stupid as the person being searched.

    • they refuse to give names… or addresses.
      or even answer any question you give them so keep that in mind next time they “just want to know” your name.

  2. Intimidating you, thats not right. Put a complaint in

  3. funny, everything they have done is legal. You made it a race issue.

    • Ryan it wasnt legal

    • Clearly you’ve not been a victim of racism. If so your view is worthless.

    • Assault. Battery and False Imprisonment, “Not” funny, “Not legal” and “Not” a race issue! Just up their own asses cops who think the law does not apply to them! it does and the guy can sue them for £thousands

  4. The police were looking for ‘Lorenzo Green” and end up doing a drug search instead.

    • Bethinja Rose you are more ignorant and bais than i first thought. You dont even know my race yet your basically saying im black. I have white, black, asian and mixed race friends and grew up in a diverse area so im sure i have a better undertanding of race realtions than you. Elaborte when you say no black progression aswell.
      And again you change what i said to try and validate what your saying. When did i say the police shouldnt do their job? ‘Yes’ i would want the police to interrogate the perpatrators if my son was unfortunate enough to be robbed or assualted but I wouldnt want them to stop and harrass every person they come across of the same race as the perpatrators, thats just dumb. And yes i do acknowledge that theres a high knife crime rate mostly involving young black men just like i acknowledge that theirs a obvious link between white men (both young/old) and pedophilea or terrorism which the media keep on the hush. If you dont believe me do a bit of research it wont take you long. And the silliest thing you said was that white people are bored of black people moaning or talking about their insecurities but it was you who took the time out of your life to play, watch and comment on the video involving a young black male. Ms Rose you need to step outside your bubble and meet people from different cultures, or at least let your kids so at they can have a better understanding of the world we live in than you

    • Curtis Watson it was you who responded to my comment which was “show your ID Job done” when you start saying to them “why should I show my ID” then I do not care what you say, it looks dodgy. And mate I grew up in South London yeah? Went to a majority black School in Peckham so I have more than enough experience with black people. Enough experience to know that majority of you would argue to the death rather than just complying with the law ? God help your kids when they’re getting arrested on a daily for being extra because Daddy told them to. White people are paedophiles? Mate the whole world is run by elitist paedophiles maybe that’s why their sentences are so lenient. White people can admit their faults within their culture. Yes there are white paedophiles……your point? Wasn’t we talking about this video? You contradict yourself because you admit there’s a knife crime epedemic… mainly caused by black youths… but yet still confused as to why they’re being targeted for interrogation by the police ?????? I’ll just leave it there.

    • Curtis Watson you still talking…?

    • Bethinja Rasicst Rose no… i’ve stopped now

  5. Absolutley unacceptable

    • bannon1000 How’s that then ?, he’s an idiot and I’m pleased they didn’t entertain his nonsense

  6. Why did this guy cause a massive problem, just show them your ID and go?

  7. Because i am black say no more

  8. He really made his life difficult. Idiot. Don’t want to be a suspect? Don’t act suspicious then. Just show your ID! By not showing your ID you are actively trying to hide who you are.

  9. Nazi state

  10. Reboot The Matrix June 26, 2018 @ 10:17 pm

    Why are 75 comments hidden from this page YouTube?

  11. francesco giura June 27, 2018 @ 1:29 pm

    I did not see nothing wrong by the police

    • Charlotte Robinson June 27, 2018 @ 3:19 pm

      francesco giura it’s so sad that you’re still asleep wake up popo arrest people all across the United States and abroad wake up one day you will fill it and see it and smell it

    • So you saw something wrong then.

  12. Clear abuse, contact crimebodge asap

    • Sodthong clear abuse…..unless…..ummm……unless…he is Lorenzo Green? No follow up or update?? Sorry folks if you match a description of a wanted person in an area that person is likely to be you can be stopped and identified.

    • Cop troll alert …

    • Sodthong psychic commenter alert. Do you also swallow flat earth chemtrails 911 lizard people run the royal family……if it’s a you tube video you believe?

    • No idea what you are on about fella, probably best you troll elsewhere.

    • Not abuse at all

  13. What if Lorenzo was a psychotic child killer?? Would we want the police to investigate every avenue and leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of him?? I appreciate stop and search is annoying and intrusive but it can be over and done with in a couple of minutes. Nothing no to hide nothing to fear

    • I’ve never been stopped/arrested/searched etc but I would fully comply if I was to be. The police can come and search my house anytime as I e nothing to hide. Why would I give you my address you sound like a right psycho !!


    • It’s called privacy, you want to bow down and be a humble yes man go right ahead.

    • Exactly, this guy is clearly a prick

    • The lorenzo Green line was bullshit,, we are acting on information recieved is another one they use! and i can smell weed on you is another!

  14. My grandad used to describe how the SS officers behaved towards German citizens in Berlin in the lead up to world war 2. This video is exactly like that. “ PAPERS PLEASE.”

    • whackyzack_productions July 2, 2018 @ 6:34 am

      Mr Francesco oh please how you drawing a comparison between met police and as officers

    • Designed To Thrive July 4, 2018 @ 6:39 am

      At least the SS were doing it because Germany was under international attack for breaking Germany free of the Jewish slavery banking system, and the jews had declared war on them in 1933

    • Andy Sustainable living July 7, 2018 @ 10:28 pm

      Mr Francesco SS? What a pathetic thing to say. The police officers were professional and polite

    • Mr Francesco damn straight. Bring it!

    • Paper please. How polite. Normal international police procedure.. get over it.

  15. Another YouTube wannabe who thinks he knows the law inside out… Lock them up til they lose their attitudes. ?

  16. And the token black brother stood there and let peppa and George harass another brother. That choc ice should bleach.

    • wedge to be fair it’s a saying which I understand you don’t get.

    • Please enlighten me then mate? i thought you were implying he is black on the outside but white on the inside

    • wedge and that’s racist how? How did you feel when watching this video?

    • I thought the guy shouldve just proved to them he wasnt the guy they were looking for,simple, would’ve taken 30 seconds and he would be on his way. If he looks like the guy they were looking for isnt it their job to ask questions

    • wedge I appreciate that’s your opinion and fare play to you but having been going through situations similar myself growing up I feel this is institutional racism as we have freedom of movement without the need to declare ourselves to anybody. If they felt it was him they could simply ask and like he said I’m not such person should of been on his way. If what they said was true they should be carrying a picture of the wanted suspect with clear and precise descriptions not simple information such as a ic4 5″10 athletic build so forth as then that’s in my eyes racism. My opinion is that the police acted in a racially motivated manner as they had no proof it was him which was there fault and nobody needs to carry identification walking on the public footpath nor do they need to announce themselves to Peppa, George or any of there team. There was an amicable way to deal with this but the basis was not incorrect which led to the illegal stop and search in my eyes. But never mind wedge I guess that’s the main reason so many don’t get the argument of this young man of colour.

  17. to be fair the police was actually being kool.

  18. you must have something to hide or you would show them your ID you knobhead

  19. So you are investigating and looking for Lorenzo green? And this is your job? So you get paid to do this?
    Ok so how much am I going to get paid for helping you do your job? Because my showing you my ID will help you determine that I am not your suspect.

    Why are citizens expected to aid police in their investigations? They are paid to do a job. Harassing people without proof of a crime is not that job.

    Also maybe by showing my ID I would be exposing myself to arrest. I could be Lorenzo or I could have warrants. By showing ID I may be incriminating myself. I thought you didn’t have to incriminate yourself?

    • ”Why are citizens expected to aid police in their investigations? They are paid to do a job. Harassing people without proof of a crime is not that job.”

      Civic Duty.

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