Exercise, Diet & Fitness – Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project – 4/22/2014

This week, Adam, Will and Norm, talk about Buck Rogers, dieting and fitness regimens. There's no "one simple trick" for staying healthy and losing weight, and Adam's own dieting habits have evolved over the years. Plus, bathroom horror stories!

Readers Comments (33)

  1. Its hard to eat cheaper than McDonalds… because that’s not really food at that point.

    • Cutthroat Otter May 7, 2014 @ 6:27 am

      Eating healthy at McDonald’s is like hiring a prostitute for a hug…

    • +Cutthroat Otter That’s a good one

    • +TheBookGolem
      They’re talking per calorie. Mcdonald’s being extremely high calorie food for a relatively low price (Compare calorie count of food at the store to fast food of the same price).

    • +Wanimator Perhaps, but it’s extremely questionable whether that makes any real sense. One could argue fast food in general tends towards energy bomb type food, extremely high on calories. Do they take into consideration the fact that most fast food restaurants are far from clean? That the salades have been frozen and kept for days before they actually land on a burger? It’s far from fresh food. 
      And it’s not the only kind of food that’s high on calories AND relatively cheap. There all kinds of Chinese dishes high on calories and what to think of pizzas or pastas? Those aren’t that expensive either and also high on calories.

      Simply being high on calories shouldn’t qualify as good food by any stretch of the imagination. It’s like stating cow dung is high on calories and it’s cheap, so it’s a good choice. Makes no actual sense whatsoever. It’s still cow dung and it’s still just cheap. There’s quite a lot of food that’s in the mid-range of calories, cheap and a lot more healthy. 

    • I never said fast food was healthy.

  2. Skylar Garrett April 22, 2014 @ 9:51 pm

    Alright, time for me to pitch in. I started out over 400lbs, a huge guy. I’ve since dropped more than the weight of my entire sister and my strength has gone through the roof (eg: 200lb chest fly, 400lb leg press), here are a couple of my thoughts.
    1. Stay hydrated. Drink 40% of your bodyweight(lbs) in oz of water a day at least. Staying well hydrated does wonders for skin elasticity, mood, and energy, i recommend a large BPA free juice bottle that’s half what you need. Drink 2 a day, it will be the easiest change and will have one of the biggest effects.
    2. Walk. Unless you have a physical disability, there’s no reason you can’t walk. Find podcasts or audiobooks you like, and just walk. I did 3mi every morning on super hilly terrain, it will get easier and you’ll feel great seeing some improvement. If you’re heavy, walking burns a TON of net calories, more than you could ever burn from lifting weights.
    3. Find out what you’re really eating. Write it down and add it up, no bigger motivator than seeing what you’re actually doing to your body.
    4. Use the rule of 3’s. When looking at a diet, don’t think long term. Make it 3 days, then 3 weeks, and so forth. 
    5. There is no magic pill. There is no little capsule that will turn you into a model, educate yourself on compounds minerals and supplements, find out how they affect the body and find some you like, and for the love of god supplement in the vitamins you aren’t getting! Get tested, find out what you’re deficient in and supplement yourself to where you should be. You’ll feel like a brand new person. Some things i like to supplement/use are vitamin-d, fish oil, CLA, green tea extract, caffeine tabs, and soy free protein powders.
    6. Work out. You don’t ~need~ to join a gym. You can get an awesome workout with a couch, your own body weight, and a set of cheap dumbbells (Walmart sells a set that comes with 2 3lb handles, 4 2.5lb plates, and 4 6lb plates. Don’t get the vinyl ones, go for iron every time). Hook your feet under the couch, do crunches. Hands under couch, leg raises. Squats, overhead tricep extensions, body weight calf raises, incline wall push up, the list goes on and on. Not being able to afford a gym is no excuse.
    7. Shop right. Healthy food is a lot cheaper than junk food if you shop right, you can make 5 gallons of healthy soup packed with protein and vitamins for about the same cost as a meal for two at McDonalds.
    8. Don’t starve yourself. It does more harm than good. Fasting and starvation aren’t the same thing, be smart and learn how to do it correctly or you’ll just end up causing yourself metabolic damage.
    9. Nobody will turn you into a god/ess in 30 minutes, use common sense and never buy into that sort of stuff… and for the love of god please don’t consider crossfit not even for a minute.
    10. Don’t count calories. Count carbs and sodium.

    I doubt anyone will have read this far but if there’s anything specific you want to ask, go right ahead.

    • This is a surprisingly concise, fair and instructive comment. Not something you see everyday on YouTube. I’d say worthy for a blogsite like artofmanliness. Good job man!

    • Michael Woodring II April 23, 2014 @ 3:48 am

      I give you +100 internets for the crossfit part. Crossfit is terrible and in no way helps with creating a balanced body. A proper dead-lift will do wonders for your body. It helps to create total body stability and will burn calories like crazy.

    • Skylar Garrett April 23, 2014 @ 1:34 pm

      +Michael Woodring II The thing that i find bad about cross-fit is that not only does it not get you in better shape, it actually puts you in worse shape. All you end up doing with cross-fit is tearing up your hands and joints, and the cross-fitters that are actually competitive at the cross-fit meets typically train traditionally before the cross-fit games, furthering the proof that cross-fit is ineffective.

    • Skylar Garrett April 23, 2014 @ 1:39 pm

      +Flapstaart Thanks, i really appreciate that! I actually had to compress it a bit due to how narrow the comment section is on Youtube. I didn’t expect it to get as many +1’s as it did, so this afternoon i’ll see about converting my “fitness calculator” into a public drive spreadsheet, seems like some of you might be interested in that sort of thing.

    • +Skylar Garrett Good on you man. At my heaviest I was 470 now I am 175. All your points are spot on. Although I used Fasting and counting calories as a tool as well. And to me water is a huge factor in helping to lose weight to, probably the biggest.

  3. You can loose weight by counting calories and of course you can do it by only shopping on the outsides isles of the grocery store, to say otherwise is silly. It all depends on the individual and whether your good or not at maintaining a calorie deficit. It can be hard to count calories, but not impossible.

    • Skylar Garrett April 23, 2014 @ 1:24 pm

      That doesn’t even matter, the thing you need to do is be able to find that mental switch and flip it the other direction. That mental switch that changes you from “I’m going to eat healthy, that’s who i’ll be” to “I’m eating healthy, this is who i am.”


  5. Emmanuel Mejia May 3, 2014 @ 1:15 pm

    Dude! It’s been over a week and where’s our new episode of Untitled at??!?!?!?!
    And why are they so short? God damn it!!!

  6. You guys should try some weightless squats in addition to push-ups. 

  7. Just switching my diet to mostly organic foods and making myself park at the far end of a parking lot, instead of as close as possible, I lost five pounds. Then I added in three days of yoga and pilates every week and started losing around a pound every week. I also started sleeping better and my mood increased.

    I still let myself veg on weekends or do whatever I want active or not, but I find myself doing things like playing Just Dance or going to the Farmers Market in our park now instead of watching or reading on the couch all day.

    I could do even better if I could get over my annoyance of going grocery shopping.

  8. Push-ups are fine, but what ever happened to doing a full-body workout? (If one concentrated on the core multi-joint exercises it could be accomplished in around 20–30 minutes. Or maybe 15–20 if you didn’t rest between sets, and your cardio would be well taken care of.)

    If I did 100 push-ups a day, I fear the pump would probably give me moobs…

  9. Will’s comments @ 15:30 sound like the advertising copy for Soylent — explaining the rational differentiation between (social/enjoyable) food — and mere sustenance, which is often that “crappy burrito” from down the street. Tested did a write-up on Soylent in October, but with recipe 1.0 now released, it sounds like time for a video taste test.

  10. Why is it that every single time Norm speaks, it’s something extremely annoying and irrelevant? He is quiet during most of these talks, only opening his mouth to say something uninteresting before everyone moves on like he doesn’t exist.

    • It’s so that you’d make this comment and I’d see your avatar and say AHHHHHHHHHH MARAUDEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHRRRR

  11. Interesting how they (who are interested in science and stuff), just didn’t make a small research to find out how to stay fit. I mean, they instead counting calories and pushup reps. On the other hand, it would be boring for Adam to do aerob for 1 hour, if he find 30 pushups boring. He rather counts the volume-calorie ratio of his food. 😀

  12. They totally neglected breakfast, in my opinion the most important meal. After about 8 hours of your body using up good calories for growth and respiration etc at night, when it comes morning you need food to get your body up. To make sure it wont burn muscle because you are in a caloric deficit.

  13. Why is Hellboys gun on the table

  14. I see that ppl are completely missing the point of food. You shouldn’t count calories and only eat grass all the time. That makes no difference at all (and is the thing that is not health to do, humans are not vegans for a reason people).
    What you need to do is be active!! It doesn’t matter what you eat. Non salty foods are NOT healthy, inspite what many would like you to think.
    I had a friend that was always, no salt, no meat, no sugar no nothing. And he was always having cramps. All the damn time (and I mean cramps where he couldn’t move an inch for hours at a time!!!). So I asked him what’s up with that. And he said it’s because he was dehydrated. I told him that is just not possible in his case as he drank at least 2-3 liters every day, mostly more). And he didn’t listen to me. So after almost two years he was getting such cramps every single day that he wasn’t even able to move.
    I told him to eat a spoon of salt and a bit of lemon. (he was still insisting it’s dehydration, which I called nonsense as he would be pale and almost dead if that was the case) So after few months of trying to convince him he caved in and tried it as he was in unimaginable pain. And look at that! In matter of minutes his cramps were completely gone. He said I was able to do something that all the doctors and “calories specialits” couldn’t. Frankly, I was not surprised at all. he never had cramps again after that. Ever.
    All this “salt is bad for you” nonsense is just that, nonsense. Yes it’s bad if you eat like half a kilo of pure salt every day. But even water is not healthy if you drink 20 liters of it every day! Even oxygen is not “healthy” for crying out loud, but that doesn’t mean you should stop breathing!
    Ppl need to start thinking with their own heads instead of listening to ppl that are trying to convince everybody how bad salt and meat is for you. Like I said, it’s pure and utter nonsense and nothing more. If there was any truth to that at all we should be seeing less fat ppl than ever before, cause most ppl I see are fully into the “no salt, no sugar” thing. But look at them, they are still fat. Makes absolutely no difference. You’re only limiting the intake of minerals and calories that your body needs. If you do any kind of physical work, not eating salt is a death sentence basicaly, and it’s not a pleasurable experience I can garandamntee you that.

  15. It’s REALLY easy to each cheaper than McDonald’s. Eggs, rice, beans, potatoes, whole chicken, bananas and any fruits/ vegetables on sale for less than $1/lb.  I can feed my entire family of 5 adults for about $4 per person per day or about $1.35 per meal per person.  Try getting a full meal at McDonald’s for less than $2.

  16. ….I simply don’t trust anyone that doesn’t drink….

  17. I want everything in the background please.  3 idols and the Sankara stones??? Drool. 

  18. “Keep the spouses fed and watered ” …the funniest thing Norm has ever said . Good one !

  19. Making 540 a month… I’ll tell you. Mc Donalds is very cheap. It’s a great “Reward” for working hard for the week.

    Otherwise you can get deli-meat, bread, and/or Ramen for cheap.[Though I guess ramen is prepackaged]

  20. Here is a super easy way to lose a few pounds for the average person: Give yourself time (at least 2 hours) to digest your food before going to sleep! When you sleep, your body goes into “conserve mode” and since you don’t burn a ton of calories when you sleep, your body will just convert excess calories into fat. Mammal’s thyroids adjust on the fly for the amount of calories being taken in. Meaning: the more often you eat, the faster you metabolize the food. Take a 2000 calorie diet: if you spread those calories out through the day you will LOSE weight compared to a person who takes in those same calories in one or two sittings. If you eat often, your body will adjust to a more active profile. If you eat one or two big meals a day, your body goes into super conserve mode and will try to save as much calories as possible for days when no food is available. (Remember, we are simply mammals with a higher capacity for intelligence.)

    As for me: I find that when I don’t go to bed with a full belly, I don’t wake up hungry. If I go to bed with full belly I will wake up feeling famished. Meaning, when not waking up hungry, I can do more with a small breakfast and will feel much better than the alternative.

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