Funny Cats Compilation [MUST SEE] Funny Cat Videos 2016

Funny Cat Videos Compilation 2016, The best and funniest cats videos ever 🙂

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Readers Comments (92)

  1. Ali AceCombat Fan November 6, 2016 @ 9:08 pm

    Likes please 🙂 (my birthday next two days)

  2. Some of these were just mean to the poor cats 🙁 I mean the ones where the cats did it themselves were cute but some of them were just mean

  3. 7:07 When I see my old pictures

  4. 01:30 this cat is all of us on Mondays. 😀

  5. 1:44
    Is this the new ice skating!?

  6. Never understood why someone think its funny to scare the hell out of a cat.. pisses me off

    • They tell their cats that it was just a prank, dw.

    • Freako Da Shipper December 7, 2017 @ 12:29 am

      Zoomguitar Their reaction.

    • Freako Da Shipper December 7, 2017 @ 12:30 am

      oblivious farm boy Drama queen?

    • Zoomguitar
      Then don’t watch it

    • I know your comment is old, but sometimes its completely by accident that they get scared or surprised. The one time I was playing with my friend’s cat using a laser. I aimed it at the wall near the vacuum which I did NOT know was plugged in. Well kitty jumped to get the red dot and ended up landing on the vacuums power button, turning it on. I’ll admit I laughed REALLY hard since it had been by accident.

  7. It looks like these cats (and mine.. ) could use a lot more than 9 lives. ?

  8. mangle fan 360 fnaf 2 fan 360 November 14, 2016 @ 8:29 pm

    at 1:28 , thats me in the mornings for school.

  9. 7:20 So that’s why cats have trust issues. THEY CAN’T EVEN TRUST THEIR OWN SELF

  10. I like watching funny cats, but not if people put clothes on them or scare them!

    • I agree about scaring them. We had a cat in our house when I was young that the kids would torment and scare all the time, and her personality was very obviously affected by it. She became mean and territorial and distrusting. Poor baby deserved better. The clothes thing I’m on the fence about. Forcing them into things that debilitate them is wrong, but if it doesn’t hinder or make the animal uncomfortable then it isn’t so bad. A lot of animal clothes exist to help. Say sweaters for animals in cold climates, etc. But again, these are made to make the animal comfortable. But, say, a bow tie wouldn’t hurt and it’d still be silly and cute. It’s all about understanding limits.

    • The key word here is frequently. If you scare them, or just bother them in any way (generally speaking) in a frequent manner, then that’s fucked up.

    • brezzainvernale me to or recording them when they keep falling into water

    • Animals are better than people November 23, 2017 @ 6:37 pm

      Naturally I too do not condone scaring animals for fun. Yes, we get it the cats don’t like the clothes. If it were the possibility they made the cat wear 24/7 without a care how it doesn’t like it, or likewise harming them to make them still while they put it on, then it may as well be considered cruelty.

      Alright, you pointed that out however – some cats and dogs DO like having a little shirt on as long as it’s not suffocating them nor the people are frequently forcing them to wear it because they think it’s for their amusement. If it’s for occasional wear, good – constantly and not accepting the animal doesn’t want it? Not good.

    • Agreed. Some of these are harmless and funny. Some show that people will abuse an animal in order to be briefly internet-famous, which is pathetic.

  11. “I hate the dog so I will pee in his food” was the cats exact thoughts

  12. at 6:49 that is cat abuse if your cat is that fat and it can barley jump . you people should be ashamed of your self’s

  13. 7:50 that is terrifying, no wonder the cat freaked out ._.

  14. I hate when the owners can clearly see that their cat is about to fall but do nothing to help them.

  15. overfeeding your cat and laugh about it ? gg

    scaring your own cat to death till its hiding in a corner with No escape?? gg to teach that to your kids…

    There should be a certificate of intelligence before you are allowed to own a pet

  16. I swear some of these count as animal abuse.

  17. To all the babies in the comments these videos don’t fall under animal abuse. The definition of abuse states: treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly. Violence doesn’t happen in these videos. For people who don’t know, the definition of cruelty states: behavior that causes pain or suffering to a person or animal. Clearly these cats aren’t suffering, some may feel little pain. But that’s because they fell. And even if they fall, it’s not like they are gonna die.
    I just get sick and tired of these people in the comments who cry about that every video is animal abuse.

    • Exactly!! People are easily offended for Christs sake you people wanna see abuse how about watching Chinese people roast a dog over a fire for food or a cat for that matter NONE Of the videos depicted the definition of abuse

    • Rose C i nearly forgot that cats got the same mental complex as humans fuckoff

    • Coen Schellings i agree with you.

    • Stephenie Tsundere San November 14, 2017 @ 2:40 pm

      Coen Schellings it doesn’t have to be violent to be considered abuse. Abuse doesn’t always involve violence

    • Animals are better than people November 23, 2017 @ 6:48 pm

      So, you’re basically saying I can overfeed my cat and everything is sunshine and rainbows? I’m working to become a veterinarian assistant. Overfeeding your cat can lead to lots of problems. With it being neglect /can/ be considered as abuse. Considering cats are smaller than the human body; they’re not going to be 100% fine with what you do to yourself — specially gorging your cat. You are lacking the responsibility in assuring your cat is healthy respectfully; allowing them to become that fat means you don’t care the animal may as well be potent to suffer from a health issue. For example: Liver disease, diabetes mellitus ( also known as sugar diabetes ), skin problems, and decreased life span. An animals digestive system is more sensitive ( judging on the animal ) and can cause more problem than overfeeding your kid, even a vet will tell you your cat’s weight isn’t healthy and if you continue using their method of feeding them

  18. I like videos of funny cats but not when its their owners scaring/ being mean to them. Thats not funny. Like cat and dog interaction or when they knock stuff down or fall on their own thats fine. But putting a photo in front of them and seeing that they’re terrified and continue scaring them is not nice.

  19. Claudia Castrillon November 24, 2016 @ 8:00 pm

    will I ever find a funny cat vídeo w/o animal abuse or jerk owners

  20. There’s no abuse in these videos they’re just cats being cats, that’s what they do.

    • Vicky Lynn yeah

    • Vicky Lynn absolutely correct

    • Finally someone with common sense around here

    • Yeah why do people think it is animal abuse. Cats get scared of cucumbers so that’s basically normal cat being scared.

    • Wrong! Cats have active imaginations and do not need their owners intentionally scaring them or making them uncomfortable for the sake of a damn video. There is abuse in these videos from using harmful toys around them, not helping them if they are caught, trapped or injured from a fall. Even the overweight cats is a form of neglect as the owners are over feeding them and laughing when they can’t jump up like normal cats should.
      Everyone in these videos and you need to take a serious look at how animals are actually treated. I get cats are weird and can get themselves in odd situations but the majority of what is show here is humans being jerks. Shameful.

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