Best Of Funny Cats And Dogs Protecting Babies Compilation 2014 [NEW]

Did you see a dog that protects a baby? Or a cat that protects a baby?. Dogs protecting babies or cats protecting babies is a reality. Check out this cats and dogs protecting babies compilation.

Readers Comments (61)

  1. embertheimmortal April 24, 2014 @ 7:38 pm

    That last dog was like

  2. TheOfficialEuro May 11, 2014 @ 3:43 pm

    So dogs protecting babies. This brings me a though about the myth of Romulus and Remus that, it’s possible to be raised by an animal. 😀

  3. These types of videos make my day. Of course as a general rule you want to be cautious of keying an animal near a baby at first of after they are used to the smell sight and sound of a new member of the family most animals come to protect the new little one. When I was a baby my cat mini would rub to me every time I cryer and curl up next to me and lick my cheeks. Or so my mom has said.

  4. You ask anybody (with a brain) and you will be told that “stealing the babies breath” is a very old myth, it was often used to explain crib death SIDS, ask any doctor,and they will tell you that it does not happen.

  5. Animals have feelings just like us humans do, they are people with fur, and you raise them just like you would a child ( I don’t buy that bullshit about pitbulls either, it’s all innhow they’re raised by their owners. Historically pits were nanny dogs, because they are protective of their humans) if you treat a dog like a member if your own family you’ll have no problems, if you abuse an animal, they’re either gonna turn on you (which would serve some people right) or be nervous all their life.

    • Spare me that bullshit, you dont treat your animal like you do a human, it’s just sounds good so you can sleep at night. Child safety over a 30 second video of an animal on your infant

    • +dart kid
      But that’s how dogs and cats bond with their humans. A dog’s pack is his extended family, who all look out for each other. If your dog has the companionship and trust of his humans, he’ll feel safer around them and willing to protect them from potential dangers. In these video clips, the animals consider the babies part of their packs and are taking care of them to the best of their ability.

    • Errr, have you raised a child? Because if you’re doing it like you’d raise a puppy, you’re making a lot of errors and you could be bordering on abuse. And if you’re trying to raise a puppy like a child, you’re wasting a lot of time, it’s never going to develop human skills. For example, I hope that with my help, and schooling, my child will learn to read, write and speak my language fluently. So I will read a lot to him, talk a lot with him, help him when he first starts trying to say words by repeating what I think he means, teach him to recognise the letters of the alphabet, practice writing his name with him etc etc. You can try that all you like with a dog, it’s not going to ever even say its first word. That’s really just one tiny difference, bringing up a human child is a million miles away from bringing up a dog, because surprise surprise a human kid is a thousand times more intelligent and complex than a dog, evidently so by the time it reaches even the young age of, say, 3. Let alone a 10 year old child, or a teenager. I love dogs, but really they’re not humans. They are wonderful animals who can add so much to our lives, but they do not have human intelligence or dexterity and they obviously don’t think like humans. Anthropomorphising them doesn’t do them any favours, if you treat them like humans rather than dogs you’ll probably end up making them miserable and confused.
      Do you think you’re at the same level of intelligence or complexity as a dog? If so, I pity you, you clearly have some major self esteem issues. Or you’re delusional.

  6. It’s cute but, really, dogs and cats can have parasites, do you want that in your baby? just be careful!

    • I’m 110% sure my dog is parasite-free 

    • Et les poils qui puissent entrer dans les poumons! C’est trÃĻs dangereux: mon papa ÃĐtait mÃĐdecin vÃĐtÃĐrinaire et bien sur qu’il aimait les animaux, mais il n’aurait jamais permis de telles scÃĻnes!!!!

    • Christopher Lenahan December 21, 2014 @ 6:15 pm

      +Karl Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species. first sentence. aside from between species and  Humans and the earth…we need it, it doesn’t need us. That or Virus..btw thanx for providing me a link to the answer to your statement :p

    • Christopher Lenahan December 21, 2014 @ 7:43 pm

      The earth as a whole eco system isn’t really inanimate at all.. but that aside I don’t like the cancer reference because it’s just a mutation. and although a good metaphore is self-explanitory, which is anti-point to the point of the metaphore. Being seek meaning and balance in your on existance.

      Humans are none and all of those things from self-sustaining native cultures to billionaires flying 1 person in a jet. We will consume all the resources on the planet or ELE and the planet revives itself with the smaller load on resources.

    • olga lopez I

  7. Childrenofworld2014 September 3, 2014 @ 7:16 pm

    sweet video, cute kids

  8. Why would someone allow some dirty animal to lay on top of their baby?

  9. My cat used to be my guardian when I was a baby. Even if someone was just playing with me, if they were playing too rough, he would give em’ a bite so they knew to stay back 😉
    Turned into one of my best friends too. Dogs ain’t the only ones!

  10. I had this dog. A bulldog. Two. But, one needed treatment, so I couldn’t keep it. He was big. And he would protect me only. I would have to do everything for him, because he only trusted me. I had a house and suddenly it had a free dog. I walked up to it with no fear. I was scared about dogs. But once I touched him. It was like we were bonding our souls. He was always locked up sadly. But yes he would bite. He almost bit my fathers hand. He was brown. I would like to meet him again. I would sit with him and talk. He would lick my face and bark when someone was with me. He was loyal and respectful. Sadly, I had to move away. I forgot his name. But I remember him. His soul was speaking to me. Lovingly. A voice of confidence. When I left, I felt sad. That’s the good day’s. Even though till this day, my finger was stuck on a car door and bended. I loved him. But after I left. I missed him so much. I guess I started to get allergies from animals. I was scared of them. Except for one,………………,my own.

  11. When you wake up in the morning to see your infant lying dead in its crib cause the cat jumped in and smothered it during the night nobody wants to hear your sob stories..and the one with the minature pincher..if ANY animal acted like they were gonna growl at me when I tried to touch my child it would be a dead dog

  12. Veronica Blackburn December 22, 2014 @ 5:21 am

    The dog protecting the baby from the vacuum is priceless

  13. wait a second. Why are you waking up your newborn and why is he sleeping on his tummy? That’s just not safe, from my understanding, their little lungs have a lot harder time expanding on their tummies, then to add even the lightest weight of a puppy head might make it harder. He’s cute, the dogs sweet, but I feel the need to write this because my children are having children and I am hoping the message hasn’t been lost.

  14. Foghorn Leghorn April 25, 2015 @ 6:37 am

    The poodle with the vacuum was awesome. That’s a real protector just like the last dog.  Nice.

  15. even though the poodle wad scared of the vacuum cleaner it still protected the kid. wow

  16. AngeFemininMasculin2 September 27, 2015 @ 6:27 pm

    1.50: Its a sound from Hell !! I have to protect the baby !!!

  17. The first cat at 0:13 gave you that look that says “Touch my human=You die…”

  18. BÁRBARA BELCHIOR RITA April 20, 2016 @ 7:41 pm

    Am i the only one who hates when a dog is growling at his owners while protecting the baby and the owners reward that behaviour?

  19. Metal Wolf for Jesus April 22, 2016 @ 3:51 am

    it is a shame that when these babies get old enough to walk and talk that some of these animals may not be around. 🙁

  20. Watch this video, and then tell me again how animals donÂīt have feelings.

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