Readers Comments (58)

  1. “I wish more peoplecould counter like this man did!”

    • +skeptus maximus We’re all born sovereign. Authority is a false religion.

    • Cristiano Rossi May 29, 2014 @ 9:24 am

      +skeptus maximus Koyaanisqatsi.

    • +skeptus maximus Did you notice that you have to phrase that as an ultimatum?  If a gun really gave you authority, you’d be saying “You have to do what I say” period.  All you can do to another person to have “authority” over them is to constrain their options.  They are still the final decider, NOT you.

    • Bahaha counter? Counter with what??? Nonsense??? Pseudo science??? Sovereign nonsense? Nothing that this guy said is even close to being legal or recognized as laws. Just rambling. Hahaha…….counter. Wow.

    • IG : zouniverse May 3, 2018 @ 5:43 pm

      Why you using quotation marks?

  2. rekt reky rekt rekt im dying

  3. You think they don’t know the law? They do, they just hope YOU don’t know it.

  4. Wow ! Those cops did not know what the hell to do !

    • jackcarterog001 May 19, 2016 @ 12:37 am

      +430gma They can’t arrest someone for having a mental illness

    • They did exactly as they wanted you dumbfuck, they waited for the OK to release the kid, who had been caught trying to break into someone’s house.
      “you took an oath to defend my inalegable and unalegable rights”… such words exist, he means inalienable, etc.
      “My child is not colored so he is not under color of law”……first off, his child IS colored, and that’s not what color of law means at all.
      I could go on, literally everything this idiot says is bullshit pseudo-legal babbling, he knows nothing of the law and the cops did exactly as they pleased while ignoring him, they held the little niglet until they got the OK to release it. People who watch this and think he “owned the cops” are stupid.

  5. I want him to be my teacher for a semester.

  6. Good grief man, just give them your name.

  7. I swear, the govornment is trying to dumb us down to keep us from realizing that they are taking our rights from us… This man will not have any of that ****.

    • Super Tactical Droid Kalani June 5, 2016 @ 8:15 pm

      Nah some people like you are just trying to cause drama like if we could do something about it America would of easily wiped us out by now if it was…

  8. man.. you are good.. that’s the benefit of knowing the law..

  9. Brandon Nguyen June 4, 2016 @ 5:28 am

    His kids probably thinking “Dad’s lectures on the law is actually useful for once”

  10. Im gonna memorise all the laws

    • LOL@
      “you took an oath to defend my inalegable and unalegable rights”… such words exist, he means inalienable, etc.
      “My child is not colored so he is not under color of law”……first off, his child IS colored, but that’s not even what color of law means anyway.
      I could go on, literally everything this idiot says is bullshit pseudo-legal babbling, he knows nothing of the law and the cops did exactly as they pleased while ignoring him, they held the little niglet until they got the OK to release it. People who watch this and think he “owned the cops” are stupid.

    • Moriam Ahmed

    • Cliff Yablonski seeing this on Facebook 6 years ago I thought he was the smartest man alive, colour of law literally has zero to do with colour of skin

    • Cliff Yablonski March 23, 2018 @ 1:52 pm

      Mason Doerr….hopefully you were really young six years ago because this guy is an idiot.

  11. looks like he just became one of the most badass guys the police have ever encountered

  12. he got them white European immigrants good ????

    • Cops did exactly as they wanted, you are stupid to not see that.
      “you took an oath to defend my inalegable and unalegable rights”… such words exist, he means inalienable, etc.
      “My child is not colored so he is not under color of law”……first off, his child IS colored, and that’s not what color of law means at all.
      I could go on, literally everything this idiot says is bullshit pseudo-legal babbling, he knows nothing of the law and the cops did exactly as they pleased while ignoring him, they held the little niglet until they got the OK to release it. People who watch this and think he “owned the cops” are stupid.

    • Cliff Yablonski And then rambling with “only Christians have names”, how hypocrite to think in boxes like that without doing research on the origins of names.. So damb ironic. These self-claimed anti-racists who are the biggest racists of all..

  13. I noticed that only white people are the ones defending the cops in the comments ??

  14. “It’s a beautiful thing knowing the law”

    • yes it is, too bad the fool in this video didn’t and also, just because someone says he is a Moor and that he interrupts loudly does not make him right. And just because he says the Moors came here first does not make that right either. Making up BS as you go does not work and is a sign of mental instability. Piracy, kidnapping ? COLOR of law? Nuttier than a fruit cake, plain and simple. The “color of law” he speaks of is a comment regarding ACTING UNDER the AUTHORITY of LAW, not how he rambles about it. You’ll note he did NOT win. He did not get ANY of the officers charged with anything.
      I think the officers did a great job.

    • cops are crooks

    • They were going to release the kid anyway they say at the start they are bringing him home. They were just waiting for the OK to release him to the lunatic father. His rant had nothing to do with them letting the kid go.

    • This guy is a complete and utter fool spewing garbage. What an idiot.

  15. This guy is my Hero!!…Absolutely fukn Awesome!…hope his Son(kids?) think he is a Hero too

    • Thats because you’re as un-educated as he is. None of what he said is actual laws. Yes it sounds good……at times, but all in all its absolute nonsense. He doesnt know his rights, he knows a bunch of pseudo BS he got off of Google. Choose your heroes wisely Dan, BC this tool is NOT one of them. Just a fool.

    • Dan Bain maybe u ? him!

  16. i like this guy

  17. YUNGPAWZ OFFICIAL October 21, 2016 @ 3:46 am

    Can you help me with my history test?

  18. Go get um dude, fry that bacon ????????????????????????

  19. This guy is a legend

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