20-Minute Belly Fat Blasting Cardio Ab Workout



This cardio and toning workout is the ultimate belly fat blasting routine! You'll work your entire body at a fat-burning cardio pace with an emphasis on the core muscles in the abs and back (hello waistline!).

Peanut the french bulldog joins in on this workout (well, in her own way!).. watch all the way to the end to check out her fun out takes 😉

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Equipment: None

Intensity: Moderate to High (Intervals)


20-Minute Fat Burning Flat Belly Fusion

The 20-Minute Apple Shape Workout

18-Minute Lower Abs Circuit

This cardio workout helps burn calories, blast belly fat, build coordination, agility and cardiovascular stamina while also working your core muscles including your abs, lower back, waistline muscles, thighs, hips, glutes with exercises like:

Cardio Warm Up
High Knee Marches
Standing Ab Crunches
Rear Lunges
Knee Drives
Low Lunge
Single Leg Jumps
Lateral Squat Walks
Squat Jumping Jacks
Windmill Toe Touch
Side Lunge
Side Skater Jumps
Push Ups
Break Dancers
Roll Ups
Plank Squats
Side Oblique Crunches
Side Stretches
Hip Stretches
Hamstring Stretches
Calf Stretch
Hurdler's Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Chest Stretch
Spine Extensions


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Readers Comments (40)

  1. Started early bc I won’t be able to start the first. Phew those squat jacks were killing me. Thank you!

  2. Karen Tannenbaum July 16, 2014 @ 3:39 pm

    I know this is day 1 and it is the 16th of July…I have done several of the other workouts and am not doing them in the same order they were presented.  This one is KILLER!!!!!  Don’t let Jessica’s wonderful demeanor fool  you!  I love how you had to use Peanut repellent in this one.  Love Peanut!  This workout is a do again for sure!!!

    • jessicasmithtv July 16, 2014 @ 7:19 pm

      That’s OK Karen – feel free to find the order that works best for you. What counts is that you do them 🙂 Glad you liked this one! Way to go!

    • Karen Tannenbaum July 17, 2014 @ 12:37 pm

      You have a wonderful way of making me work harder with your pleasant disposition…but sometimes I still talk back to you!

  3. that was WAAAY more friggen intense that I expected! awesome stuff!

  4. Omg i was dying the lunge with kil and twist was my challenge

  5. Joni Price-Flink December 8, 2014 @ 11:51 am

    Just finished this after doing Day 8 2x, Ab routine that followed and this.  Feeling pumped and ready for the day!!  Yeah!!

  6. I made it through the second this morning also!  Whew!  I’m down 13 pounds from beginning of the year though – it’s paying off!

  7. Done 1st day of the new adventure!! I lost almost 20 pounds, feel lighter and stronger than ever!!!
    Thank you Jessica!

  8. OMG! Second day of #SpringAhead  challege … this one was a KILLER!  I persevered and made it through but I definitely utilized that pause button.  Whew!  I am dripping sweat and know that this work out will work on my stamina.  Thanks for the great workout and I got a good laugh at Peanut’s antics.

  9. Day 2 Video done. This was tough and had to modify a couple, but still felt them all. Got to get my walk in later today.

  10. I’m coming in way, way late! But I’m starting the 30 Day Flat Abs Challenge today. Day 1- complete! I’m a huge fan of Jessica and Peanut (both so inspirational)! Thanks for all y’all do!

  11. Once again I finished this thinking “I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT?!”
    PS– Peanut you are the best. hahaha!

  12. Nearly fainted 🙁

  13. WOW!! This was so tough that I barely made it thru I’m still shaking!! Couldn’t get the 8 minute ab & back workout in WHEW! What an intense and sweaty routine I can’t wait for the kickboxing workout tomorrow, Thank you jessica 🙂

  14. Christina Hoffman September 13, 2015 @ 9:25 pm

    Completed this workout today since I couldn’t get it done on Thursday. I did better this time on the floor exercises. Thanks!

  15. Man, it’s apparently been a year since I’ve done this workout! It seems tougher than it should have been for my thighs, but I haven’t worked out regularly for about a month! Been moving to a new house! But reading back at the last times I did this one, it was still tough then! Still kicks my butt! Glad I got a workout in today though. Slowly but surely I will get back into my routine of 5-6 times a week! Thanks Jessica, and Peanut!

  16. Wow, this workouts made me real sweaty! I could hardly complete some of the exercises (and I’m not a beginner!)/ Jessica, thanks for the awesome WO!

  17. sweating! some of the exercises i did NOT like. but i tried my best. Perhaps make the videos more professional by sending the dog on a long walk?

    • Go to her website. She has professional videos if you’d like to buy those. These are “courtesy” videos that she’s provided free of charge…which is awesome.

    • These videos exude professionalism. Getting rid of the dog defeats the purpose. This channel has a relaxed workout setting showing people they can workout at home with or without distractions. It’s real life. Plus, Peanut is her masot 🙂 .

    • They’re free videos and the dog is a quirk.

  18. Killer workout, Jessica! That one caught me by surprise. 🙂

  19. Great workout! Had to take some breaks, but felt very good at the end. Thanks Jessica!

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