2 cops get owned by student in dorm!

just watch as the 3 little pigs try to break into this students dorm room without his consent. he did perfectly and stood his ground. DONT LET THE COPS FOOL YOU. THEY HAVE NO MORE AUTHORITY THEN US CITIZENS DO. FUCK THE ONES WHO THINK THEY ARE HIGHER THAN US.

Readers Comments (69)

  1. The fat cop assaulted the student and violated his 4th amendment rights. The other cops stood by and did nothing. They are all guilty of violating this student’s civil rights and breaking the law.

    • Acatally there allowed to cause it’s there property.. It’s a dorm room on a university it gives them a right to search without any warrant.

    • +Chase Grillet They still need probable cause which they did not have.

    • +Chase Grillet The student code of conduct states that the student has to consent unless they have probable cause all they had was a complaint from 2 students and not to mention those students probably made that up just to cause problems…its also said that the dorm is like your house so it doesnt matter what they said they violated the student code of conduct and also his amendment rights.

    • +Fernano Vasquez
      Not only that but they can not assault you like that officer did either. Especially if it is an abuse of power like that clearly was. That kid made no threatening movements towards that officer so was physically assaulted without cause

    • +Ashlee Peterson Worth clarifying-codes do not override the US Constitution ever.

  2. Perfect. Lol. I don’t even care about disrespect in this area. BTW everybody, there is no such thing as a student admin. Those two were cops, and they were lying through their teeth.

  3. hunterkiller1440 January 30, 2015 @ 5:07 am

    If this was a privately owned house, then these cops are doing it wrong. But if this was done in a university dorm room, the people with authority, which I think are university campus security, they have administrative rights to do that.

    “Blanton said university policy allows a police officer to enter a room if he believes there is suspicious or illegal activity; however, the firing was based on inappropriate contact and had nothing to do with the officer’s entry into the dorm room.”

    The reason why the cop was fired because he touched the kid.

    • ThalamusMinimus April 1, 2015 @ 2:13 am

      +Jay Buc The “smell” of drugs hasn’t been probable cause for over 6 months: Commonwealth v. Overmyer.  Same with it being ILLEGAL to “search” a dorm room, as the SMART COP (Sombr@) corrected you on that AND so many other issues, and then Sombr@ told you you’re a dumb “rookie”:

      you REALLY should STFU before somebody here goes to the Savannah State U website & finds how to contact your former boss, because given your mental incompetence, I’m sure FBI can ID you by asking Savannah if they can recognize whether a “Jay Buc” used to belong to them, given these false claims that you’re making which are signs of being a rogue cop.  (And adding to your mental incompetence of failing to speak clearly to exhibit a comprehension about the current Fourth Amendment case laws:  *Your speech pattern is that of somebody dropped on their head as a child, seriously.* I couldn’t even read 1/2 of each of your posts, just like Sombr@ also said he couldn’t.)

    • +hunterkiller1440 http://www.policeone.com/officer-misconduct-internal-affairs/articles/6064018-Cop-fired-over-Ky-dorm-room-raid/

    • Joseph DiAscro III April 29, 2015 @ 5:11 pm

      +Valoro85 KY. LOL!

    • Unoriginal Guy June 19, 2018 @ 10:14 pm

      He actually was going into that dorm to conduct an illegal search that was not anywhere near okay and assaulting the kid. Both things criminalize them as they can go into the dorm but, as the student knows, going into the dorm to search his private possessions is not legal so they weren’t allowed.

  4. “You have braces”

  5. Chuck From The Bronx May 8, 2015 @ 6:14 pm

    Did he died?

  6. WARNING: if black, results may vary….

  7. The 54th Deadline - Nhan Pham September 17, 2015 @ 5:07 am

    One power trip after another. I am glad the cop who pushed him got fired.

  8. what was the outcome of that fat pig breaking the law and coming into your room?

  9. “ah bro I just sucked the fattest dic, ah dood I’m so belligerent rn” @3:59

  10. “look at all the ranch dressing”

  11. “Lets look at this guy, he’s 45 years old and he has BRACES. He’s a LOSER!!!!!”

  12. Lmao the cop was gonna cry

  13. If he was black he would’ve been dragged and shot

  14. The Reflafitator May 5, 2016 @ 11:40 am

    The loser cop that barged in at the end was fired because of this incident.

  15. Adam Delgado May 7, 2016 @ 5:52 pm

    Is that what the kids are doing these days Ranch Dressing.

  16. “My foot’s dead right now, I just can’t move it” ???

  17. Glad these pigs got fired.

  18. That kid got lucky he wasn’t black. The cops would’ve shot him while claiming he reached for his pockets and they would’ve got away with it.

  19. “Oh did you see the Ranch dressing there?! Omg its sweat pants!!” HAHAHAHAHA

  20. please tell me you sued the police department and the school

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