100 Hilarious Cats! | CatNips

There are few animals that have captivated the internet like felines, and CatNips is here with 100 hilarious cats! There are so many funny situations that they find themselves in and when their owner catches them on camera, the world must see it! Enjoy this gut-busting video of 100 hilarious cats!

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Readers Comments (55)

  1. Jill Elisabeth May 22, 2015 @ 8:14 am

    Your number counting…. Honestly…. Couldn’t watch after 93…

    • Beth Ann says: turn the media volume off. Hello. Let’s use are head on this one. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would naturally do this, when things get too annoying.
      Just saying.

    • Opps. Use our head. Damn phone prediction not always accurate. Sorry about that.

  2. winterwolf111 1 June 20, 2015 @ 11:21 am

    Aww so cute!!!!!

  3. You had to say every single number and the word number when you added the actual numbers to the screen so well? Really?

  4. I don’t get how some people don’t like cats. They’re so adorable and they are actually as playful as dogs.

  5. Hearing you spout off every number was extremely annoying. Don’t do it again.

  6. Katie Lou Phillips November 22, 2015 @ 10:33 pm

    34 is well tight you just wouldn’t do that to  a cat x

  7. 34 the cat was just like turn off the camera I hate it next time pay attention to the face lol

  8. Excuse me miss, but I think I know how to count backwards. No need to do it for me.

  9. Roses are grey,
    I think violets are like orange or something,
    as you can see i’m on cocaine,
    i’m colorblind.

  10. PR1NCE DARKNESS June 5, 2016 @ 5:06 am

    14:28 How A priest Acts When you make a donation to the church box… *Gimme That…*

  11. Srsly don’t talk to say the number! I am not dumb!

  12. My cat, she just flops to her side upon entering a room and then looks at me like she wants me to pet her

  13. A_Wise_Potato oof July 31, 2016 @ 12:49 am


  14. I’m sure a lot of work went into making this compilation, so thanks! I do think if one is not adding commentary that the number-announcing is unnecessary and, well, annoying. It detracts from the content and is sorta condescending unless this is for toddlers.

  15. 17:55 what’s that song? And i _KNOW_ it’s not Darude Sandstorm

  16. if you’re depressed like me, this video makes your day so much brighter<3

  17. Laura Vimala Devii October 23, 2016 @ 5:57 pm

    57: very silly human

  18. We really don’t need the running countown

  19. At number 87 I was like look at that cat’s nails!

  20. Videos of teens torturing cats really aren’t funny.

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