10 Funniest Raccoon Videos





Calm The Fuck Down by Broke For Free


Readers Comments (81)

  1. that raccoon taking the food while the cats are staring, it’s like

    “dude stop-”
    “that’s our food, can you not-”
    “bro, what the hell?”

    “shut up, i’m trying to eat!”
    “*takes and runs away*”

  2. The raccoon that went back to grab a handful of cat food and took off! All the while the cats just waiting, being mellow and chill 🙂 they are all hilarious though. I have a new appreciation for raccoons.

  3. 0:53 – “Dude, will you hold still, I just want to check your teeth!”

  4. omg it’s H2ODelirious

  5. Putting fire on animals food is the best idea ever… -.-

    • Stephanie Seguin October 7, 2017 @ 12:30 am

      The candles REALLY ???

    • Dumb comment war ummm… these “generous people” are raising a WILD ANIMAL that DESERVES to have IT’S OWN FAMILY and live in the environment THEY PREFER, and the ONLY REASON these “generous people” have a racoon instead of a cat or dog, is due to THEIR OWN desires and SELFISHNESS! NO ANIMAL would RATHER live in a HOUSE than OUTSIDE, ESPECIALLY racoons, since they LOVE to climb, fish, forage, and are EXTREMELY maternal and family oriented!

    • Laszer271 not true! Animals have fur on their faces, and ESPECIALLY racoons! You apparently are not aware, that animals who have wiskers, generally have them as a measurement to avoid crawling into spaces they can’t get out of (the wiskers are as long as how thinly they can stretch their bodies out), AND, racoons have a SHARP sense of smell, unlike humans, that can be IRREPARABLY DAMAGED due to burns. If the animal was raised in THE WILD, he would obviously not be curious enough to stick his face in fire, which is why I personally, don’t believe certain people (ESPECIALLY THESE), should EVER be allowed to have ANY pets, because not ONLY are they depriving this animal from it’s instinctual education, but by creating a bond if TRUST, by feeding it, and then ADDING A DANGEROUS ELEMENT TO A TREAT, is not ONLY EXTREMELY inappropriate, but ABUSIVE AND NEGLECTFUL!

    • Laszer271 the difference between an animal who is SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE WILD “accidentally biting” a human, an a MORONIC human, exercising EXTREMELY POOR JUDGMENT by INTENTIONALLY CREATING a dangerous situation for an ANIMAL that is COVERED IN HAIR is two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS, but it’s DEFINITELY NOT surprising that you ASSume animals think like humans since the unfortunate majority (who think Zoo’s are a swell idea), are right on board with you, and say things like ” it’s a HUMANE way to treat an animal” (as IF HUMANS knew MORE about what animals want than THEY THEMSELVES!! Humans care SO MUCH about what the ANIMALS WANT, to the extent we’ve created laws enabling us to not ONLY IMPRISON THEM, but STERILIZE THEM, (a surgery they can’t POSSIBLY CONSENT TO), ENSLAVE them for the use of the police “force”, handicapped, mentally ill, criminals in prison, Zoo’s, wildlife parks, etc, and WORST of all, the “HUMANE society” who keeps them in small cages, and KILLS them unless OTHER HUMANS want to IMPRISON THEM!! WE even get to UNILATERALLY determine, not ONLY if THEY are “overpopulated” but even KILLING and PREVENTION methods on how to make it more COMFORTABLE for the HUMAN POPULATION (and ironically, INSIST it’s in the “best interest” OF THE ANIMALS). So, hopefully I’ve provided something for you to think about (more importantly, EVERYONE to think about), because we need more people advocating for these animals, rather than making excuses for the top of the food chain who is OPPRESSING THEM!!

  6. its cute the way they hold things!

  7. 3:40 idiots u burnt the raccoon’s nose with the candle flame on its birthday???

  8. In that first clip the poor lady was just being nice, but got her bread stolen.

  9. The behaviour of raccoons and otters is pretty similar

  10. This video deserves a sub x3

  11. They are adorable when they do not have rabies.

  12. it’s the hands that freak me out. like they look like human hands. its too much lol

  13. That first one was hilarious ??? he basically said “Don’t worry about opening it we got it we’ll see you later ms. Parker”

  14. Who says Raccoons are not civilized? 3 Raccoons took 1 slice of pizza each. LMAO!

  15. Raccoons are my favorite animal hahahaha

  16. A cat with hands and high intelligence. And they are thieves. This is my type of animal.

  17. 2:29
    Raccoon in the container: Help its eating me!
    Raccoon walking by the container: Jack you idiot!

  18. that one grabbing the cat food and running off was amazing.

  19. The one where he grabs the cat food and runs off on his hind legs is hilarious.

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