10 Babies Experiencing Things For The First Time – Funny Baby Videos

Childhood is best time to experience most new things for the first in our life. This video shows most amazing moments when babies are discovering new things and reactions on this discoveries.

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Readers Comments (98)

  1. Lohamy Ramirez March 9, 2016 @ 8:57 pm

    these videos always make me happy ??

  2. Camryn Prenger July 24, 2016 @ 2:31 pm

    I love how when the babies go through the tunnels they look like they’re seeing all the different layers of hell from Dante’s Inferno or something.

  3. “First time drinking out of a hose” I didn’t know that was a thing all babies do ???

    • Sophiie mm Ju

    • 1966johnnywayne yea and I’m that everyone just picks up the hose and drinks the stagnant water left in it. You know, without turning the faucet on first. You people are turning generations of kids onto a bunch of babies. Germs help build the bodies immune system. Proven fact. Hand sanitizer actually can do more harm then good. Proven fact. Not letting kids get dirty, play in the mud, drink from a hose only creates generations of whiney little children.

    • JackDrinkn2DollarJim March 13, 2018 @ 5:03 am

      Best to get the immunities started early then.

    • JackDrinkn2DollarJim March 13, 2018 @ 5:05 am

      only in Cleveland.

    • JackDrinkn2DollarJim March 13, 2018 @ 5:14 am

      And everyone knows you let the water run to let it get cold first.

  4. Who else made a “Sour face” when the baby was eating lemons?

  5. It always amazes me that some of the kids , (while the child is screaming and scared of their own shadow).. they get no comfort from them

    • Michelle Linijak December 27, 2017 @ 5:13 am

      Seeing as his youtube name is J Dawg I doubt he has any kids or kids he takes care of plus I am sure he is not a child psychologist because he would know about the study you spoke of. I took regular psychology and child development in highschool, plus I helped raise my two sisters, baby sat many cousins through out my life and took child psychology in College till some stuff happened with my mom and I did not have a way to get to college had to drop out.

    • Because by doing so, you acknowledge to him it’s the right thing to do. They don’t do it because there is no need to. You ain’t the brightest on this planet, gosh.

    • Overprotective much? Do u live in a bubble?

    • Julan Ripley yus juile????????????????


  7. I wonder if the parents enjoy lemons?

    • Probably not but it’s hilarious to see and it’s a beneficial to the kids so.

    • Michaela Schlager October 27, 2017 @ 10:36 am

      .bnnnn4W6 hoüüüü
      ölkj7438w9q9uc .0,
      Föü p k9DoMin8or qü8zfaÀ üigq

    • Michelle Linijak December 27, 2017 @ 4:54 am

      Because babies learn through touch, sight, smell, and taste. So, in order for your child to learn about different things you have to allow them to explore with all five if their senses. The child saw the lemon, his brain registered it’s bright color. He touched the lemon, his brain registered that the outside is rough and a little bumpy but the inside is tender and juicy. He can smell the citrus of the lemon and his brain registers this as something that can be eaten. Finally, the baby tastes the lemon and his brain registers that it is very bitter but not completely disgusting.

      Babies learn with their senses, that’s why baby toys are often times textured and pacifiers can sometimes smell like vanilla. The baby is not in danger. Get over it and educate yourself.

    • Michelle Linijak December 27, 2017 @ 4:54 am

      the baby was feed the lemon repeatedly because a) He was not putting up a big fuss. He wasn’t really enjoying the lemon but he was a relatively, willing participant. and b) IF a parent removes the food, the moment a baby/child shows any displeasure than the little one will never learn to persevere. The baby gets the wrong message. They are being TAUGHT to not give food a chance. A child will never acquire a taste for much of anything, IF they are not taught HOW to acquire an expanded “taste bud vocabulary”. This lesson is taught by repeatedly exposing the baby/child to all kinds of appropriate foods. Even the foods that the child does not find pleasurable upon first tasting. Also, HEALTHY foods often need repeated incidents of exposure until the child can gradually tolerate and acquire a taste for that food. Nowadays, far too many parents SPOIL THEIR CHILDREN and never challenge them. It is very BAD parenting. This is HOW a child learns. A baby or child does not know the awful health risks and effects of a limited, unhealthy diet. But the adults do. The parents do or should know that feeding little ones just 3 or 4 food items along with a selection of sweets and highly processed snack foods is UNACCEPTABLE.

  8. Love the little fireworks girl – wow!

  9. Someone help me I'm depressed October 10, 2016 @ 6:40 pm

    the first girl taking her first steps, it was so cute ?

  10. Aww, the poor little guy in the car wash…!

  11. Mary-Celeste Ricks October 21, 2016 @ 5:53 pm

    I can’t help it . . . car wash baby’s cry sounds like laughter. So funny.

  12. So nobody seen the first baby pulling out her hair while the mother sits an watches while still recording without saying anything

  13. Arianna Rodriguez October 28, 2016 @ 11:15 pm

    When the baby was going through the tunnel, I can tell that their face is saying,”OMG WTF IS THIS!? WHERES THE LIGHT!?”

  14. 1:44 that kid sounds like he’s laughing and crying.

  15. When I gave my daughter a lemon as a baby, she loved it. I had to cut her a second slice because she started crying since the first one was out of juice. lol My kid is strange.

  16. Bruceann Yellowega November 21, 2016 @ 2:22 pm

    The baby in the car wash was cruel. The Dad started screaming too making it worse. Some parents don’t have a clue… ?

  17. 0:46

  18. Anne Rose Bottex December 30, 2016 @ 5:54 pm

    Lol . the funniest one was the dark tunnels . DEM FACES THO :-}

  19. Baby experiences snow for the first time… still havent experienced it myself… ;(

  20. why are babies and children so cute so innocent and so pure!
    I love them so much.

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